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10 Tips for Studying Abroad in the USA

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I highly recommend you study abroad.

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  1. xoAdeline

    love love love love love your video! the way you organized it is a really good idea, hearing some of our adventures and stuff made me smile and laugh 😉 😀
    thanks for mentioning my blog & video! I’ll mention yours in my next video in French since it’ll be related to this semester 😉
    I miss youuuuu, oh and the ending…. GURL U DID IT RIGHT *cruiseeeee*

    1. prenezladeuxièmerueàgauche

      Thanks! Yeah it brought back a lot of fun memories just talking about it again 😀
      I was very undecided about keeping the ending…but #yolo  haha, gotta keep the Semester spirit alive!
      Tu me manques aussi xo

    1. prenezladeuxièmerueàgauche

      I’m planning to make more (though most likely not about studying abroad now that it’s fully over). That’s cool! I’m so happy it was well received…especially by those whose country I was talking about! 😀

  2. tallo-xyz

    ? hello its me hahaha adele took my mind … i just wanna to say that i am not from america or uk or even somewhere there near but am from too far country from oman if you know its from the gulf regions whatever so am concerning to study in america perhaps since i was ammmmm seven years old and now i am 18 and am doing my best to get abroad am also thinking of studying criminal science or forensic they are related somehow and everyone keep saying that its too difficult and am a girl i cant handle it whatever things like that but i never give up i know deep inside me that it wont be a peace of a cake maybe from the culture changing and new people but i still want to go there and study criminal science soooooo if any one have an idea about how its like to study criminal science just reply to me and yeah the girl in the video you’re soooo beautiful i hope you are my friend ammmm that’s it i wish all the best to all of you ??

    1. prenezladeuxièmerueàgauche

      My financial aid I receive in the UK paid for my accommodation + meal plan while I was out there. It wasn’t covered automatically, but the amount I got in grants/loans from Student Finance was enough to cover it 🙂

  3. Alexa Life

    I’m thinking of doing a high school exchange from New Zealand to USA California, and I’m not sure if I should as I’ll miss out on my last year at school so I’ll have to redo my last year, well that’s what my career reviser said

  4. Laura Stewart

    Hi, I’m off to University of Maine in August for a year and this was useful so thanks for this. Surprisingly there aren’t that many vlogs for people from the UK going to the US and I’m in search for as many tips as possible to reassure me before going! Also, I needed to say I have those Sabrina magnets, I thought I was the only person who would keep such a thing! It was my favourite childhood show so I have so much love for you for that (and your general basing your life plan on Sabrina, it’s a good way to be!)

    1. prenezladeuxièmerueàgauche

      @Laura Stewart Hi! Wow, that sounds awesome, have a great time! Yeah I have to say, before I left, I was really surprised about the lack of Brits writing/vlogging about their time in the US, especially when there are so many Americans sharing their experiences in the UK!
      Haha I’m really bad at throwing things away so I still have the magnets…and a pencil case somewhere I think. I thought I’d put them there as I was talking about it haha 🙂

  5. Sumonebody

    Real difficult decision – another year of uni fees plus a year off your career for something that doesn’t really add to you’re economic capital like compared to doing a masters degree instead vs a year goofing off in an American college…

    1. prenezladeuxièmerueàgauche

      I was only 20 – it did stop a lot as a lot of bars/clubs have a strict 21-and-over only policy. Also, if you are under 21 in the ones that do let you in, you’ll get a big old stamp on your hand or bright bracelet on your wrist to make sure everyone knows you’re not allowed to drink there. They are very strict….where they can control it (i.e. if you are out in public). It’s very strange to be European and to have been allowed for years already and then suddenly have that taken away from you. My hall on campus was also a “dry dorm” or something which meant no alcohol was even allowed in that building, despite there being over-21s living in there. Basically you will not be able to purchase any alcohol…..yourself.

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