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(100% Worked) | USA (F1) Visa Interview Tips | Study Abroad

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USA (F1) Student Visa Tips are mentioned in this video. 100% results. This video will definitely help.

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  1. kingwilliam ww

    hello, I want number of experiment and I am getting ideal subject called Mechatronic that help me to complete the project and do the patent. Finally, I will return back and established my own smart product manufacturing company

  2. Gaurav Sharma

    I got rejection 2 time so what changes I need to do now in my interview
    And how I get visa I am in Singapore last time I had work permit so now I have student pass please tell me what I do now for my visa..

  3. faizan ul mustufa

    I am going to do English program in US called ESL what answer I give
    And my sponsor is my aunt she is already life in US
    What questions I face
    Plizz reply me because my interview on 30 jan 2020

    1. GRE Aspirant 2017

      In this case, you can start by saying that Brother is the main financial source of my family. Explain how he can support you financially by telling the officer, your brother’s annual income and you can also show rest (liquid cash + loan + static) property when asked. Officer will ask more question about brother for sure. (About his relationship status single or married. Then how he can support you, if he is married, etc.)
      I hope this answer helps.

      And I am sorry for the delay. I was not active.

  4. Ma liberté financière

    So basically, the more “rich and western” your home country is, the less likely you get a visa rejection… Let us say you are from Germany or Canada, while still possible, you have way better chance than someone from Pakistan

  5. Nabeel Ahmed

    I have a doubt in sponsorship area.. For Masters is it Ok that we show financial for first year as a liquid money through bank accounts.. or is it necessary-to show for two complete years.. ? Please answer me as soon as possible..

    1. jasprabhjot kaur

      nejat hussein
      as i have done graduation in this field so i wanted to continue my further education in the same field as i have realise that my limited knowledge was holding me back

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