USA留学でマストな物!Things to bring to study abroad in the USA
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This is me (Ryosuke)! I give good advice.
I hope you have an amazing time studying abroad in America. YES!
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Well done Ryosuke! Nice tips for Japanese students going to America! 🙂
役に立つコツもう一個: メイド・イン・ジャパンのペンを貸さないほうがいいかも? アメリカ人はペンを返すのが苦手タイプ多いから♡ m(_ _;)m
+KemushiChan ロレッタ 確かに!借りパクされたらショックだもんね~
Yes! The quality of Japanese pens is unsurpassed. Only problem is everything I write comes out in Kanji and I can’t read it…
No I can’t do that again, it turned the whole world into anime. What a bloody mess that was!
I think it’s really sweet that you would actually think of BRINGING gifts. If someone did some origami in front of me, I’d probably like to meet them. I have heard that the Japanese are very thoughtful with gifts like coming back from vacation for their friends, family, and even coworkers. I guess it’s true! Thanks for the great video. Can’t wait for the next one guys!
I’m literally leaving for study abroad tomorrow. Perfect timing
+Acquavallo Good luck!
only the essentials lol
+Acquavallo don’t forget your Poop Hat!
studying abroad is always a good experience. study hard and have fun !
Arigatou Ryo-chan! I busted out laughing with the poop hat. ONe day grace is gonna hide it from you, just you wait.
+Tania LoNero Haha Thanks for laughing~! I would make more poop hat then! Like thousands of them 😀 More poop hat, happier the world! (Ryosuke)
Good call on pens!
For “Made in Japan” souvenirs: those high quality pens!
im just gonna say, i love your eyebrows!!
+BunniesAtHome Haha Thaaanks~ (Ryosuke)
What you said about giving your friends the T-shirts so they’d think of you was adorable! x)
Thank you Ryo-chan!
As for the Japanese pens, my father bought a Japanese mechanical pencil in High School and still uses it to this day. He is 47…
I laughed so hard when I saw the poop hat with the flag ?
I saw the trimming eyebrows in normal large chains like Walmart and Target and those kind of places that sell everything. So you just have to look for it but yeah, it exists, or you can order from amazon 🙂
Ryosuke, this is so useful! Thanks for making this!
Grace please make an American to Japan version!
Pretty please with a poop hat on top! ???
Never heard of a laundry net before. Gotta buy one next trip to Japan. I love the clear plastic umbrellas you can buy at combini. Still using mine from 3 years ago. I miss onigiri since I had a lot of it for breakfast last year.
LOL Ryosuke and his poop hat.. almost every video he brings it up.. its like a marriage between 3 people instead of 2 hahaha its so funny
+Xeidasx I know, right? I just love my poop hat~ hehe (Ryosuke)
Great advice! Definitely pack plenty of pens/pencils! And I agree that a simple pair of slippers will also be a difficult find.
Laundry bags are sold here of course, but bring one so you are prepared! Unfortunately for students in dorms, the washing machines available are the absolute worst possible for your clothes!!
..which is why it’s a good idea not to pack anything delicate. Unless you do home stay.
Those ready rice bags are getting quite popular lately, but the Uncle Ben’s will not be Japanese sticky rice, and even some of the high quality ones are more exotic blends (like brown rice and quinoa – try it!!). Still, Whole Foods, or any decent Asian grocery should probably have some available, so if these stores are nearby, I wouldn’t go overboard packing something so heavy.
The ones I’m thinking of are mostly cooked and just need to be heated by the way.
Ryo-chan is amazing! This is some great advice, especially the poop-hat. I can see how it would make you incredibly popular at parties.
Also, matcha kitkats are an amazing snack/gift! Many of the Japanese exchange students on my campus brought them back whenever they went home for holidays, and that made them super popular (almost as popular as poop hat)!
Great video! I know I rarely carry an umbrella just because it’s another thing to carry…and then after you use it, it’s a wet thing to carry. I don’t know about Japanese businesses and schools – but American businesses and schools don’t have anywhere for you to put your wet umbrella. So you have this wet soggy thing to deal with. Most people own an umbrella but they are in a closet somewhere. When it starts raining mid day (for the first time in months) your umbrella is at home in a closet… Ha! I think Americans walk less, too – and not at all if it’s raining… So the only time we’re in the rain is the few steps from a building to a car or bus or train.
I’m happy when Ryosuke speaks.