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How to get a 100% scholarship for studying abroad | iSchoolConnect

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Hey guys, welcome back to our Channel iSchoolConnect. Every week we talk about some really cool stuff all around studying abroad. And this week we're going to talk about 'how can one receive a full-ride scholarship if you're looking at studying abroad'.

Most universities offer substantial financial aid to students. Among other options, the most affordable way to financing your studies is through a scholarship. Let's take a look at some of these top scholarships for international students.

At number one we have the need-based scholarships. These scholarships are reserved for students which are of course looking at financial aid. It's an excellent opportunity for students struggling to make ends meet. Many universities offer need-based scholarships and this is exclusively for international students, for example, Howard offers a total scholarship worth $46k, New York University offers scholarships worth $47k. Cornell University also has a great scholarship fund of over $49k. You can even find out about other scholarships that are being offered by different universities by simply heading to their website.

Next on our list are the privately funded scholarships. Scholarships funded by private organizations are a viable option for international students. However, most of these scholarships have strict eligibility criteria. For example, there are some scholarships only for women and then there are some scholarships which are reserved for a certain area of study and there are some scholarships which are set aside just for Indian student aspirants.

Next up we have the merit-based scholarships. when considering a college scholarship it's these kinds of scholarships that come first to your mind. And if you are wondering how you can get a merit-based scholarship, then it's usually if you're very proficient or if you excel in any kind of academics or sports.

Next, we will be talking about the different kinds of merit-based scholarships. The first one is the sports scholarships, these scholarships lie in the category of athletic scholarships regulated by NAIA and JCAA and NCA. These scholarships can be fiercely competitive. Also, there are several rules regarding how students can receive these scholarships. Regardless of the conditions, sports scholarships are excellent for international students especially the ones who are athletes and who are hoping to study in the US.

Academic scholarships – These scholarships are awarded based on outstanding academic performance. They are funded by private organizations, colleges, and universities. Students with excellent grades in their programs are definitely eligible for this scholarship.

At number three we have the average academic scholarships. No, it doesn't mean that you have to be an average student to receive an average academic scholarship. It takes more than high grades and standardized test scores to get an average academic scholarship. For this type of scholarship or grant, students are evaluated based on their overall performance. Universities also take into account factors such as community service, extracurricular activities.

Next up we have the government-funded scholarships. The US government provides many scholarships to international students in order to promote the internationalization of their education system.

Next up we will be talking about different programs that offer scholarships to international students. At number one we have the Hubert Humphrey fellowship program. The Hubert Humphrey fellowship program is a scholarship for professionals who want to study in u.s. for at least ten months. It offers tuition fees, accident, and health insurance, travel expenses and a lot more.

Next, we're going to talk about the really famous Fulbright foreign student program. Graduate students and artists who aspire to study in u.s. can apply for this prestigious scholarship. It's also available for all fields except medicine.

Funding can be an enormous challenge for many international students who wish to study abroad. Not to mention, apply for admission and scholarship, getting a visa, setting up accommodation, all of this takes a lot of time and effort.

So, that's all folks on this topic. If you wish to study abroad or need any assistance with your applications for universities and scholarships, why don’t you contact us at iSchoolConnect!

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  1. madhan nayak

    I’m appearing for 12 th standard this year I want to study b.tech abroad .But I don’t have sufficient financial aid.then I thought I have to take a loan .but after seeing your video I changed my mind to get a scholarship.can u help me?

  2. Aisha Dwivedi

    Hello , i am akanksha i just attempted my 10th exams, i want to study abroad but i come from a very conservative and middle class family, i want to study science in abroad, looking forward for a response from you.

  3. Nandni Sharma

    Hi, I honestly love your videos and content, they are really helpful. I had a bit of a query though. While applying for scholarships for master’s programme in the US, is it advisable to seek a scholarship from the university first and move on to apply for private one if you do not get it or is directly applying for a private scholarship also okay?

  4. mohamedkindy bah

    Thanks mam for the video. Highly grateful. So informative.
    Firstly, I want to know whether you are doing this for free.
    Second, I want to do my masters in US in international relations. I am majored in Peace and Conflict Studies at Fourah Bay College – first Uni in West Africa and second in whole of Africa.

    Thirdly, whether you do this for free or not I need your help to study in USA, mam. Please guide me with good colleges and scholarships.

    Thank you.

  5. Mridula Sivanandan

    Thanks for elaborate video. i am an engineering student with 2 years of work experience in growing startup well paid according to indian iit standards good university rank and merit gpa. i am looking forward to transition into product management.Inspired by the 100 percent scholarship video can i get a good part time mba in usa while working in a good company? how should I apply?

    1. iSchoolConnect

      Hey Mridula, thanks for reaching out. Individuals admitted to the US in H-1B status are permitted to take classes, of any sort, including those that would lead to a degree, part-time or full-time, without having to go through SEVP Part-time MBAs are typically sponsored by the company you work for. Reach out to us at hello@ischoolconnect.com

  6. Priya Nawani

    Hi this a very informative video. I am an Indian living in Bangkok. I am in need of a scholarship to study aboard hopefully in US. Masters in Finance i still have one year until I graduate highschool and i really to start planning. Can we pls discuss this further regarding how to achieve scholarships in the US personally

  7. Nirav Soni

    Hello, I am final year computer engineering student and wants to do masters in data science in US. I have good score throughout my academics but I am unable to pay fees of these US universities.so is there any fully funded scholarship which can help me to do MS in US?
    Please, help me !

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