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Cambodian Student Finds Scholarship to Study Abroad

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In spite the fact that Cambodian government has no policy and budget for sending students abroad, Cambodian human resource is getting better due to the increasing number of Cambodian students studying abroad. A Cambodian student, Nousovath Chanvatey, won a scholarship to complete her law degree at George Washington University. She talks to VOA Khmer's Im Sothearith about her scholarship, her experience studying in the US, and about her future goal.

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  1. ខែម ហ៊ាន

    I’m so delight in after heard your narrated a life in abroad, However, you met different experience on and on. On account of you endured bitterly all circumstance and what you don’t want get but you accustom to western achievement. This take a good example for young Cambodian people take follow your step. These reasons, will be glorify your name or family, Khmer society and a whole Cambodia country . 

  2. Un Hourn


  3. ไพฟ้า sophea

    រាល់ងៃពលករកំពុងប្រឈរមុខនិងវិញបាតរឿង​ លីខិឆ្លងដែកទៅធ្វេីការ​នថៃគេលេីងដំលៃ​ ហេីយពលករប្រឈរមុខនិងបញ្ហា​បេីកលុយ
    ជាងច្រេីន​ គឺពិបានខ្លះណារាល់ងៃនិង​ ថៃគេមិនសូវអោយសិត

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