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Cost of Studying in USA | How Much Does it Cost to Study Abroad in the USA | ChetChat

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Study In USA: How Much Does it Cost to Study in the USA? | Cost of Studying in USA | Cost of Study in America | ChetChat

Click on this link for a Master Class on ChetChat on Study In USA: How Much Does It Cost to Study in the USA? What is the Cost of Studying in USA. A detailed analysis of the cost of studying in USA with Chetna Vasishth of Chet Chat talking about the cost of studying in USA for Indians, Cost of studying abroad, how much does it cost to study abroad and the cost of university tuition in USA.
This Master Class is about the ‘Cost of studying in USA for an International Student’ and will cover
1. Undergraduate tuition fee at some US Universities
2. A listing of the most affordable colleges to the most expensive ones.
3. Public universities vs Private Universities
4. What is my effective cost per course and per class

A. The Cheapest Universities
$20,000 to $30,000 p.a. Tuition Fee in the US International
University of Bufalo – SUNY – State University of New York
Binghamton, New York
Stony Brook University – SUNY
Iowa State University
University of Minnesota – Minneapolis,
University of North Dakota
University of Colorado – Denver
Arizona State University
University of Utah
University of Florida
Florida State University
Ohio State University

$30,000 to 40,000
Purdue University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Texas A&M University
University of Illinois
University of Wisconsin Madison
University of Texas at Austin
Penn State University

$40,000 to $50,000
Harvard University
Stanford University
Columbia University
Illinois Institute of Technology
University of Michigan Ann Arbour
University of California Berkeley
University of California, San Diego
Michigan State University
University of California – Los Angeles
University of Washington, Seattle

Above $50,000
University of Pennsylvania
Cornell University
Johns Hopkins University
Carnegie Mellon University
Boston University
New York University
USC, California
Duke University

1. Public universities are oftentimes cheaper than private universities
2. The range can be from approx. $20,000 to 50,000 p.a. which over 4 years can mean $80,000 to $200,000.
3. This range could translate from Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1.25 crores
4. For cost of living, a good rule of thumb to use at this stage is approx. USD 20,000 to USD 30,000 p.a. And in general the universities with the lower tuition fee will most often have the lower cost of living as well.
5. So on a composite basis, at the lower end of the spectrum you could pay $80,000 for tuition + $80,000 for living expenses = $160,000 = Rs. 1 crore. And at the upper end of the spectrum this could mean $200,000 for tuition and $120,000 for living = $320,000 = Rs. 2 crores
6. Taking the highest tuition fee of $200,000 and dividing it by 40 the price per course of $5000 = Rs. 3.15 lakhs.
Each course has usually 45 – 48 contact hours, assuming 50, it means $100 per hour. So we’re forsaking Rs. 6,300 for every hour of class that we miss
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Host – Chetna Vasishth

Gmail – chetchat101@gmail.com

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  1. Amanda Dias

    Very helpful video Chetna. Very well explained. Never thought about the cost per hour to study also.
    I loved the introduction part too!
    Studying in the US is too expensive for me. Will you be doing videos of studying in Canada or the scholarships available there?

    1. Subhrajit Purkayastha

      Hi Amanda ,

      Check out the website https://www.connectbud.com/ and join in, where you can talk to different students of various Universities across USA .

      You will find experts whom you can connect and know various information related to JOBS, COURSES, STAY, ADMISSION and all other study related information.

      Please join to get the best solution..!

  2. Wissam alzohairi

    May I ask about the verb when students come every day to the school or college ?what do they do (the verb) in Iraq we say (yedawum) which is verb for singular what about in English ?

    1. Subhrajit Purkayastha

      Hi Shubhra,

      Check out the website https://www.connectbud.com/ and join in, where you can talk to different students of various Universities across USA .

      You will find experts whom you can connect and know various information related to JOBS, COURSES, STAY, ADMISSION and all other study related information.

      Please join to get the best solution..!

    2. ChetChat

      Shubra, stay tuned, lots of exciting stuff lined up for all of you, we do a new video every Friday and already have over 145 videos on the channel. so browse our playlists, and watch this space. Follow us on twitter, instagram and facebook @chetchat101 and thanks for writing in 🙂

  3. sheik jasim

    My friend the information that you are given in this video is very useful and I thank you for your care of us when you are speaking or given information.

    The pronounsation of you is very good.

    1. Subhrajit Purkayastha

      Hi Uttam,

      Check out the website https://www.connectbud.com/ and join in, where you can talk to different students of various Universities across USA .

      You will find experts whom you can connect and know various information related to JOBS, COURSES, STAY, ADMISSION and all other study related information.

      Please join to get the best solution..!

  4. Ausaf Ahmed

    Hi there! Really appreciate the content and info, which is very helpful for International students. I wanted to know: cost of postgraduate studies in the US, is the tuition fee same for both the under grad and grad international students? If no, how much is it on an average scale? Pls do answer

  5. Varadharajan M

    thank you very much for the service,mam ! i request you to kindly make a list of scholarships given by these universities for Phd. programs as well !! it would be very helpful if you do the same for german,canada and UK universities,too !! thanks in advance !!

    1. ChetChat

      Vardha, thanks for your appreciation and I really do value your suggestions. Stay tuned, lots of exciting stuff lined up for all of you, we do a new video every Friday and already have over 145 videos on the channel. so browse our playlists, and watch this space. Follow us on twitter, instagram and facebook @chetchat101 and thanks for writing in 🙂

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