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Day in the Life of a Mechanical Engineering Student | Engineering Study Abroad

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Mechanical engineering day in the life

This is a day in the life of a mechanical engineering student at ETH Zurich. I'm a combustion engineer doing my masters abroad in Switzerland.Here's a sneak peek into my life as an engineering student studying abroad.
⚙️Have any questions? I might've answered them! Check out this video where I answer 73 questions:

⚙️INSTAGRAM: @rivertechjess

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⚙️PINTEREST: STEMinine (I have my bookshelf here!)

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  1. rushali gajbhiye

    I am also a mechanical engineer and I must say that You are so lucky to have all the practical knowledge that you need but being a mechanical engineer from India… The life is quite different here. I really wish I could have a professional life like you have. I hope you upload more such videos.

    1. Rommi Adany

      but tbh, i think we should all be thanking u guys from india. Cuz ur lecturer or maybe some other students really help us through our examinations with your youtube vids. Greetings from Indonesia

    2. Music lovers

      I can definitely get in core company as a mechabical engineering but salary matter in that case…..for freshers company dont pay good salary ….so many students dont do job at alll….to get good salaried job in good company….we hv to toil day and night and prepare for entrance exam which is too very difficult to crack looking at the number of candidate appearing for that particular exam….so life is tough for mech student in India…dude…..i am tired …good bye everyone…

    3. Music lovers

      I am 2017 pass out graduate but still trying to get a job in core company….there is job no doubt but very very competitive in mechanical engineering section……i hv tried giving government exam several time but could not achieve better …all India rank….so i am not able to go through good core…company…that how it works….in my case….i want to know about other mech students from other country….there difficulties….et

    1. Somehuman Sapien

      @Jacky Artajo hey I’m also from the Philippines. May I ask in what company are you working as a production engineer? I’m a mechanical engr student current in my sophomore year. Also is the salary good?

    2. Paul Auchon

      Pushya Subramanyam  I Know! It’s such a stupid assumption! I am in an engineering school in Montreal, and I can tell you that i personally know many incredibly smart and very competent future mechanical engineers that happen to be women! I think women and men don’t think exactly the same way, and in a team, the combination of the sexes is the best way to solve a complicated engineering problems.
      Wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors!

    3. Pushya Subramanyam

      its just ur and many people’s assumption ..wt do u mean its only for boys ?!!!!!!! m from india n m a mechanical engg.. i could do everything that my classmates (guys) did ..sometimes even better.. i agree there r fewer girls .. but ‘no girls’ is not true ..

    4. Jacky Artajo

      STEMinine Hi! I’m from the Philippines ? I currently work in a manufacturing industry. I’m a Production Engineer focusing on operation of machines and analysis of the performance. ?

    1. Francisco Nicolas

      Matthew 33:34 You’re on the right path, through him nothing is impossible. Ask for knowledge, wisdom, insight the most meaningful to your life and success understand the meaning of these words and their role in reality and you’ll overcome any obstacles you face in life.

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