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Flying to Tokyo from the U.S. // PRE-STUDY ABROAD JAPAN

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PODCAST (Also available on iTunes!):
The time has finally come. I am officially in Japan! But before starting my year in Osaka, Japan as a study abroad student, we'll be make a week-long stop in Tokyo to reconnect with some old friends and see what this place is really all about! Thank you for your patience in my video releases. My lack of free time may be more than originally anticipated, but trust me, I'm recording like CRAZY! Please stay tuned for many MANY more videos coming soon. I've got a lot of editing to do.


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  1. Ginichimaru

    Finally, someone actually filmed all the way from his house to the airport, airport to his temporarily residence by car in japan. This is an actually video people. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!. Man, i’ve been looking for this. All other videos i watch from US to japan was horriable, but this video i got the triple package. ” Bro from his house to the airport, airport to the plane and at least film some parts of being flown to japan from USA, then plane to his friend in japan at a japnsese airport so that they can go to the house by being pick up by yuki dad. Thanks dude. ill definitely hit that subscribe button for you as an additional from making a great video.

  2. Daniela Garcia-Luque

    Dude you were watching a preview for Assasination Classroom on your flight. I highly recommend it 10/10
    But the opportunity for you to go to Japan is amazing. Hope I can do that one day!

  3. Bug

    I really hope to move to Osaka Japan to attend high school, as I’ve been self taught in Japanese culture and language for nearly two years now.
    After research, I’ve learned that my Japanese name is Murasaki. 🙂
    (My original name is Violet.)

    This gave me good insight on what the flight is like, and I thank you so much.

    1. Eric Abroad

      +Ristra Roo Wow! Thanks for your kind words. I have tons of videos to edit (perhaps too much), but I’m hoping to have at least one video out per week! Thanks for checking the channel, cheers! ありがとう!

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