Go international: How studying abroad can change your life | Alexander Au | TEDxHumboldtMexicoCity
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Profesor de “Alemán como idioma extranjero” en la Universidad de Heidelberg y se desempeña como docente en Estados Unidos y México. Trabaja desde el 2006 en el DAAD para el área de América Latina Norte, América Central y Caribe y es desde 2014 el Director de las oficinas del DAAD en la Ciudad de México. Sus temas centrales son la internacionalización, cooperaciones de investigación, modelos de estudios cooperativos, gestión de proyectos internacionales y comunicación intercultural.
La Oficina Regional del DAAD en México es el contacto directo para responder a todas las preguntas relacionadas al intercambio científico y académico entre México y Alemania. El director regional es desde principios de 2014 el Dr. Alexander Au.
El DAAD permite a jóvenes dentro y fuera de Alemania obtener experiencia internacional mediante estancias de estudio o investigación. La mayoría de los becarios extranjeros del DAAD son estudiantes de Máster y doctorado. La oferta de becas se concentra en los graduados, ya que ellos ya han dado primeras pruebas de su capacidad académica y se pueden beneficiar más de una beca que los estudiantes de primer ciclo. Por lo tanto, el DAAD otorga becas para una primera carrera académica de Bachelor solamente a los mejores egresados de los colegios alemanes en el extranjero. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
4:27 is when he starts talking about studying abroad. Everything before that was about how Higher Education is good and I think if you are watching this on your free time, you most likely already knew that.
Thank you!
to study abroad is one of my biggest dream but I’m not good enough in financial and I’m still believe that someday I can make it come true..
Same here, but i swear i won’t give up
Same here!..
We’ll do it bro
Go get LPDP
Germany Belgium and france are good and cheap places
Musicality they only offer $500 to pay it off it was $1500 so that wasn’t bad
I missed the opportunity to study abroad when I was in school. So when I graduated, I went abroad to work. I def recommend it, but I think people don’t think about culture shock, reverse culture shock, their mental ability to handle it, and the length of time they should stay abroad.
@Elle is Abroad that’s interesting, can you explain it better please?
The reverse culture shock feels worst than any initial culture shock.
Yes, I agree. If you cannot study abroad during school, which is a great opportunity for you, traveling after college and during your youth is beneficial for so many reasons. Some people have a very self centered world view, which can lead to this culture shock you are talking about. The mental ability to handle it is beneficial for real life as well. When you are living on your own in a new place and have to figure things out for yourself.
Currently going in my second year studying abroad, this video nailed it
5:00 for the answers you looking for
“Higher Education has to fulfill the demand of market” – Can’t agree more..I got my master degree abroad and now continuing my PhD abroad as well. In my opinion, obtaining a chance to study abroad is merely about our effort. Particularly how hard our effort is. Money? Well, I’m not coming from wealthy family and I got my master degree and this PhD study by Scholarship. Again it’s about our effort to get that. And there are a lot of scholarship out there!. I have tried 8 times of doing scholarships test, 8 times failed. However, it’s all priceless once we get it in the end. Not only when we are abroad, but started from the day 1 we decided to prepare ourselves for the test and finally obtaining the degree.
Aha I’m french and I don’t know why he said that about us ??
@Alan Guijarro I was in Iran 🙂
@fateme sadat Tabatabaei where did you use to live?
I’m moving to France, and I’m so happy that French group won!;)
This video was great! As a German he was soooooo funny!
BlackMambaLady88 dude did you not get it
I got you ?
Currently studying in turkey. It’s really a wonderful country and i have earned so much different qualities and useful experiences.?And i am on the way to get my third language ( Turkish language)
Yes, Studying abroad in another country opens you up to so many new things! New cultures and hobbies can create new perspectives and change one’s normally “Americanized” version of the world they see. A great eye opening experience for people!
Good luck !
did you get any scholarship to study there?
Great speech.
Love from Bangladesh ??
100% true 🙂
Really good speech.
I was offered a chance to study at a secondary school in Singapore but turned it down. I know that it would be better to go abroad but I got depressed for some reason, I don’t even know what I am scared of. My dad says he respect my choice although he would like me to go. I don’t know if it was the right choice but I still keep saying to myself that it was right to follow my gut
Traveling abroad isn’t for everyone. If you plan on going in the future when your mental health is in a better place, then I am sure it will be a great thing for you. However, I personally do not believe that traveling somewhere foreign, when you are not ready for the experience neither mentally or physically, then your best course of action would be to stay here and study, while focusing omg yourself as well.
I actually moved to Spain to teach English and just completely change my life around after 2 years after graduating university. It’s actually the best decision ever. I’m a lot healthier, happier, and I’m surrounded by so much beauty in Madrid. I don’t know a lot of people, but I’m having a lot of fun! Get out of the house and your regular routine. It’s good for you.
Wow … ??
aa ok later he talks about critical thinking, thats deeefinitely a good thing! If you want to be critical 😀 Could also be a catholic-german and live in a dream world if you prefere that 😀
الاقتباس اللي قاله عن اوباما ميعرفش يقوله اي زعيم عربي!
Everything I hear about studying abroad is people talking about spending a YEAR abroad. I want to move from the UK to Spain and study there for the entire course. Has anyone done this? Or anyone have any experience?
For the love of God, don’t go abroad if you have anxiety/depression problems. I am abroad for 7 month and feel like I am deteriorating rapidly – emotionally, psychologically and even physically. I hope to finish this year and go home for good, if I manage to finish it.
@K how is this funny?
K Who said he went to a third world country?
What did you settle in a third world country ?? ?
Hey, have you tried to reach a professional to help you? Asking for help when you need it is also brave.
You got this, don’t give up
I m in my early 30s have 6 years of work experience with PG degree i m in dilemma to study abroad for phd
Hey! Don’t give him advice like that. A decision like this can screw up your life for good if it’s taken unwisely
Wind just go for it.