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How to choose a country to study abroad | Canada vs. USA vs. AUS

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Which country to choose is one of the toughest question every international student faces before going to any country to study abroad.

In this video, Melbourne Vibe has answered the big question of which country to choose and why. Catagorically five points have been discussed that one should consider before deciding which country you should go to for your further education.

Things to consider while choosing a country includes what subject is the student planning to study, how is the political scenario or growth of that country, how difficult it is to get a PR(Permanent Residency) and how is the weather in that country. Once you have done your research it would be easier to decide which country to go to.


Canon 70D (main camera)
Go Pro Black Hero 5

Canon 50mm (main lens)
Canon 18-55mm
Sigma 24-70 mm

Studio Box Lights




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  1. Jan Sasha

    How long does Australia allow international students to work after graduation? And what is the process?
    And how is the road towards permanent and citizenship?
    Could you make a video about that?

    Thank you

  2. shrey shah

    Can u please suggest should i take a work experience before getting into a mba programme? Because i am planning to persuade my mba from Monash University only so can you tellme if they need work experience before mba or no?

  3. Sarthak Gupta

    Hlo bro i want to ask something that like one semester in canada held for 4 months than 2 months vacantions where u can work more i want to know samething in australia that at what time vaccations starts and what is the time period of one semester there and after how much time vaccations starts plsss rply bro i want to know

  4. Mriganka Bhattacharjee

    Good videos….thanks for the knowledge u are sharing ?from Kolkata INDIA….

    I have One question bro for u….
    Are the universities in Australia giving Laptops…??..Or we have to buy for ourselves..?
    Cause in INDIAN universities give students laptops…so I ASKED…
    Thank you…and waiting for your response…

    1. Internash

      Hey. You will need your own laptop. Usually the university will tell you within the course information which laptop requirements are needed, and you will be able to buy in India or Australia as prices are similar – if you buy in India just purchase an Australian plug adapter which are very cheap

  5. Pinky Reyes

    Im from Philippines.. I just finished my Cookery NC II here and planning to continue to study Commercial Cookery in Melbourne. How possibe to get a PR in that field of profession after the Graduation. Thank you.. God bless your Channel I do appreciate your informations.❤

  6. Harmeet Kaur

    Hi, I m looking to immigrate with my 2.3 years old toddler, My husband has done B. Tech and MBA and M Post graduate in psychology, Is Australia the right country for us? M confused between Canada and Australia!

  7. Saima Alam Shrabonyy

    Hi. Your videos help me a lot. Thanks for your helping hand in this field. I have a request, will you please post a video on “visa processing” after getting COE From university??? Especially immigration interview

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