How to Get An Education Loan to Study Abroad | Eligibility & Common Mistakes
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How to Get An Education Loan to Study Abroad | How to Apply for Education Loan | Eligibility & Mistakes | ChetChat
Click on this link to watch a ChetChat on How to Get Education Loan to Study Abroad and Apply for Education Loan, Eligibility & common Mistakes. Also how to get the cheapest education loan with Jainesh Sinha, founder of Gyandhan who talks about a loan, educational loan, how to get an educational loan to study abroad and details of how to get education loan along with suggestions on how to apply education loan
In the video we talk about education loan for Indians, eligibility for education loan, education loan mistakes, details of how to close education loan account, education loan process and a complete guide on education loan. Some pointers on study abroad loan, study abroad education loan and how to study abroad for free, how to get student loan and how to get education loan to study abroad, education loan in india, education loan benefits, how to take education loan, study abroad on chitchat
Links to gyandhan
Some of the questions answered in this video include
1. Why is it important to think about their bank loans
2. The process / documentation / eligibility
3. Security, collateral / guarantees
4. How to save costs
5. Common mistakes students make
6. Areas where banks try to overcharge and you need to watch out for
7. How do I close my education loan account?
8. Can I get another educational loan if I have already have one?
9. Does education loan reduce my income tax?
10. What are the benefits of an education loan?
Host – Chetna Vasishth
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#EducationLoan #StudentLoan #StudyAbroad
Th@nku so much m@’@m … ?
You are really awsm????
Thanks Jyoti for your message, keep watching and keep writing to us 🙂
Thanks for the video , it was really helpful . Just a question , I’m planning to borrow loans for BS in physics in US . So , I might opt to study further up to MS that’s an extra 2 yrs . So , as you mentioned , can I borrow some loans even if I get a full ride scholarship for MS just for extending the time from which I , as a student would start the repayment ?
Your video help me getting education loan form bank for study in U.K.
Thanks for help me…
Thanks for watching Kunal
Thanks for very informative videos. A question on education loan: i believe interest rates are much lower in US so is it possible to get an education loan in US for an Indian student (possible scenario e.g. if some US relative agrees to become guarantor). What’s the possibility of getting such loan in US?
Saday Mondol Thanks for your reply & sharing the link, I understand it better now
Roopesh Singh You’re right about needing a US guarantor for an American loan. If you already have a guarantor, then getting the loan is easy.
Do be careful about the interest rate, though. While it may seem low, what most people don’t account is the currency exchange rate. If you consider that too, then the interest rate doesn’t seem so low anymore. This article can explain it better than I can:
Hope that answers your question. All the best from Team GyanDhan!
Hi mam thanks for all your vedio
Where want to study Master of surgery (MS) in abroad
How much it cost as I’m a middle class people
Is there any scholarship test & how to apply and prepare for it
About loans too
Plssssss reply fastly
Hey thanks Mam for this needful information! Please I want to know whether i can avail an education loan for LLB course in India and if so, how can I apply for the same.
hey @chetchat your videos are amazing and really helpful. it would be helpful if you could make a video on how to get into universities in london for post graduation in law – like academics , marks , exams and other procedures. thank you
Hi, thanks for your sweet message, we have two videos that speak of law in uk – sharing links here for your benefit, and
Do I need to have an admit before I apply for the loan or can I apply for the loan while I am expecting one?
Pradeep Gadkari hi, I’m from Team GyanDhan (disclaimer!). So an admit is necessary to officially start the processing of the education loan. While you can easily contact the lender and know if they’re willing to do your process anytime, they won’t officially process without the admit. However, there are a few selected lenders who can give a loan without an admit, but only in very specific circumstances (such as only with collateral, and only for particular countries).
Hope that helps. Feel free to ask more.
Mam i love ur videos i got know so much about how i can handle my studies abroad. Mam i actually wanted to know that after the loan period took for a masters degree if i apply for a phd then and there do i have to start paying the loan amount?
Saday Mondol thnku so muuch
Hi Akshat Gupta, I would expect the repayment to start after the moratorium (duration of your course+6 to 12 months) is over then repayments would begin until the loan has been repaid. Even if you’ve applied for a PhD, that will not change anything about the loan that you’ve already taken. However, from my experience in Team GyanDhan, it is theoretically possible to extend the loan as long as: 1. The lender is willing; 2. Your existing loan was with collateral AND that collateral can cover the new loan too; 3. That you haven’t started any repayments yet.
The entire process is complex so I don’t think I’ll be able to explain it well in a comment. It’s also pretty rare too. If you have any further questions you can message me whenever you like, I’ll be happy to help.
What kind of documents need frm colettral to get a loan as my father is a businessman?
My university fees in “X” amount including stay within university .
So how much should I show while during visa process.
jayanth naidu so I’m not sure what you mean by “X” amount. If you’re talking about what the total cost will be, then you would need to show enough to cover your total cost for the visa. Again, it differs from country to country as their visa processes are different, but generally for the US you’d need to show you have enough money (either your own money or from a loan or from both) to cover the total cost: and that include living expenses and food and stay along with your fees. So you’ll need to ensure you have that much. Full disclosure: I’m in Team GyanDhan.
Mam my query is how to get an educational loan to study abroad for masters in law.
Amrita, do see the entire video, we have outlined the eligibility and documentation in full detail
ChetChat alright mam….. n thankyou for ur reply.
Hello mam, does this apply to studies in Germany as well?
First of all mam you are damn beautiful ?
thank you so much
U.S mein M.A hoti h kya…if yes to kaise means kya system hai iska…?
Can we have education loan without property?
no dear.
Just what I wanted
Avanthi, I am so glad this helped you 🙂 keep watching and keep writing to us
Mam…thank you for this video..mam plzz make videos on international scholarship in university in UK for higher studies..ty
Hi, sharing a link to our scholarship playlist which has several videos on scholarships –
hi ma’am
can you please make a video of the whole procedure to go abroad after 12th and after the person has completed the ielts along with the eligibility and criteria, how to apply to colleges and file.
I will be highly obliged to you.
Guys please help me
I’m a class 12 student of non medical (CBSE)
I’m intrested in Robotics
I belong to a middle class family
I will be giving my JEE exam this year (its like a tradition that you have to follow?)
Should i study for btech (in robotics) in India and apply for foreign university for MTech ?
Any other suggestions will be helpful .