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How to select your University / Professor – for higher studies abroad – for Bangladesh students

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“Please suggest a University / Professor for me…” – through this video, we share the knowledge of selecting your own University / Professor, using your very own judgement and preferences. Selection of University / Professor is a very personal process, involving your long cherished dreams and aspirations. Take advice from others, be grateful to your well-wishers, but do not blindly follow suggestions without exploring all prospects by yourself!

Through this video, we hope you can learn how to evaluate yourself amongst the “rankings” of universities, how to make your own Excel list of Professors, and other essential aspects on how to finalize your destination for higher studies abroad!

Following is the link to the US News website –

Following is the link to the Webometrics (World University Ranking) website –

Links to our CV-writing video –

Links to our Emailing video –

Any talented individuals willing to join the international team of Shabash Fakibaj, just let us know! We are actively looking for skilled individuals like you to enhance our team even further! Contact us through facebook (@shabashfakibaj) or email (shabashfakibaj2018@gmail.com) for potential opportunities.

কোনো ধরনের প্রশ্ন থাকলে কমেন্ট অথবা ইমেইল (shabashfakibaj2018@gmail.com) করতে ভুলবেন না অবশই!

আমাদের সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!

সাবাস ফাঁকিবাজ – হাল ছেড়ে দেয়া শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য

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  1. Feed Your Brain

    ভাইয়া,কানাডা স্কলারশিপের ব্যাপারে একটা ভিডিও চাই। কানাডার প্রসেস কীরকম,সে ব্যাপারে ডিটেইল ভিডিও আশা করছি।

  2. Fahim asif

    The content you make is different than others and have so many details. I see your almost every video, its so much helpful. Thanks for making such a good content about higher study. May Allah bless you.

  3. Nasrin Akter

    excellent! though i’m from humanities background, these videos are immensely beneficial. and of course anyone like me, who is inquiring universities, subjects and teachers. at the same time, i must appriciate your unique style of locution.

    1. Shabash Fakibaj

      Dear Nasrin Akter,

      Thank you so much for your kind words! We really appreciate it.

      We convey general information regarding higher studies abroad, regardless of educational background. Graduate students irrespective of any backgrounds of education need to provide CV, SOP as well as email prospective Universities and Professors in order to procure funding / scholarship opportunities abroad.

      We are delighted that our videos helped you! Stay connected with us for more!

  4. Md Abdullah Akib

    please keep going on making these videos. i know the views are so very few but consider every viewer as your true follower and every viewer to be in dire need of your help. jajakallahul khair.

    1. Shabash Fakibaj

      Dear Abdullah Akib,

      Thank you so much for your concern and support!

      Our platform was built around the idea of enlightening the students of Bangladesh about the prospects of higher studies abroad, even with a “low CGPA”. We hold seminars in various universities, we have a thriving page on Facebook and we are truly blessed and humbled by the emails and messages we receive from the students each day.

      Our motivation does not originate from the desire to generate views on YouTube. It stems from the principle that we are leaving more information for the students of our future generations than we had during our generation.

      So once again, we thank you for your sincere concerns! Stay connected with us always!

    1. Shabash Fakibaj

      Dear Zannatul Ferdaus,

      All reputed universities require IELTS / TOEFL for admitting international students. GRE is required to get into the well known universities of USA. We would strongly recommend any graduate students to take their IELTS / TOEFL and GRE exams before starting to look for higher studies abroad.

      Long story short, no, we do not recommend applying abroad without taking those exams first.

      Hope it helps!

    1. Shabash Fakibaj

      Dear Tohedul Islam,

      It is not possible to set a minimum standard. You must realize that the entire process of scholarship is based on assisting the most able candidate/s. Hence, it is crucial that you develop yourself as best you can.

      You can have a look at our CV – writing video in order to have an idea of how you can make yourself into a competent candidate. The link has been provided below.

  5. Mr. Arif's World

    ভাই, প্রফেসরদের মেইল এড্রেস পাবো কিভাবে এই ওয়ে টা বলবেন নেক্সট কোন ভিডিওতে ?

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