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I Had To Leave My Study Abroad Program Early

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By Elizabeth | Subscribe: |

When Elizabeth first went on her school's study abroad program, she was so excited to learn about a new culture, see beautiful sights and experience everything that study abroad had to offer. She was always told that the study abroad program would be the best experience of her life and that she wouldn't want to come home by the time it was over.

But when Elizabeth got off her flight and headed to her dorm, she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread. She felt alone, overwhelmed and scared. She called her family for support, and her sister helped ease her mind.

After the first week, Elizabeth was able to meet some awesome people and see amazing sights. However, even though things seemed to be going so well, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread. People would text and email her, asking how the program was going, and Elizabeth felt like she had to pretend that everything was great and that she was having the best time. She felt so much pressure to have a perfect experience. Because her parents had spent so much money on the program and her education, Elizabeth felt an added pressure to stay – she didn't want to hurt or disappoint her parents.

Finally, after months abroad, Elizabeth called her therapist and made the difficult decision to go home. She told all her friends why she was leaving, and she created a post on social media explaining why she was leaving her program early.

Now, when she's approached by people she knows, she still has a hard time describing her study abroad experience. Even though she was in a beautiful place with great people, she says to herself, "I had to put my mental health first."

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Being Yourself:

Love and Heartbreak:

Embarrassing and Funny:

Bullies and Mean People:

Overcoming Challenges:

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  1. SB Draws

    This is actually one of the first times I’ve heard somebody say that studying or doing anything abroad wasn’t the best choice for them, I feel like more people have this opinion and are just to afraid to share it for the same reasons….

    Glad she shared her story

    1. rema

      Alakazam Pokémon Jarvis shows the websites of my story animated, he said story booth was real, your confusing the channels lol, people who are even minors that got there stories made said it was real and were happy

    1. dia bew

      @ItzTime that’s called rushing someone into doing something faster when it takes more time. This girl had all the time she needed but she choose to waste both her parents money and an opportunity that’d never reapet again. It’s different, idiot.

    2. ItzTime

      Most of you guys just don’t understand do you? I may not be able to relate, but most of you here 100% do not understand what it’s like. That’s like telling an animator to make an hour long perfect animation that is suppose to take like 3 years to do in one second.

  2. Vittoria D'orso

    I’m Italian and I feel the same way when I’m in a new country. Then after you make friends and focus on there things you forget about all the bad feelings. Italy has amazing people that you can connect with. It’s a matter of self-confidence. You seem like an extraordinary girl. Don’t let your fears take over what you want you to do in life! Thrive! Live your life! ☺️

    1. Zezo

      I’m egyption and when i went to canada the first two weeks a was thinking what i’ve done i regret it and i wanted to go back but after meeting people and having friends i started going to clubs sleeping with girls i never wanted to go back but i had to cause my visa extended

  3. Ivy Midoriya

    Here’s some advice that has been helping me with the Covid-19 and that I can’t see my friends: I’ll talk to my friends and I’ll draw my feelings or I’ll cosplay (don’t @ me or cosplaying) but mainly draw. It’s gotten me though the quarantine and it might help when you go to another country again (or if your stuck at home).

  4. the lame games

    Storybooth telling a real story that can actually really happen in real life

    Other stories: my cat gave birth do a human who is actually my real baby: also other stories: I accefently ate tooth past and died and returned to life then I had a super power from it

    1. s•w•e•e•t•i•e甘い

      Also: My chicken gave birth to a denisovan and it turned out to be the corona virus and I died and slept in my coffin because I was actually awake and it pooped out roblox and now I can fly.
      *like wtf*

  5. Storiex_ Official

    I’m glad she made the decision to go home, I feel so bad that she felt like she would disappoint people but she needs to take care of herself and make sure she’s happy and healthy, So I’m really happy she’s ok

    1. Aquila

      @Andrew Adams If this was your kid would you make them stay? A parent’s job is to make sure their child is comfortable and cared for wherever they are. It’s their mental health your talking about. It can affect a person not only mentally but physically as well. Also, it doesn’t mention this and I know that most teens would ask their parents but she could’ve got a job and pay for it herself.

  6. Mykronix

    Me: _planning to go to school abroad for art school after the pandemic ends–_
    **Youtube suddenly giving me signs that I have to take my mental health risk at first**

    also me: **oh no.. I think this is right**

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