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MBA Scholarships Abroad ( USA, Canada, UK ) and India

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How to get MBA scholarships from top colleges abroad (USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Singapore etc) and in India for GMAT / GRE programs.

Read more about MBA scholarships for Indian students in America, Canada, Europe, India:

For professional counselling help to get into your dream university (hopefully with scholarships), send us an email: info [at] mbacrystalball [dot] com

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    1. Sameer Kamat

      @Kashiram Mishra For the top schools, getting an admit itself will be difficult without work experience. Scholarships would be out of question. of course, if you go lower in the rankings they may give you an admit and scholarships, but the value of that degree will be low. 4-5 yrs experience is not considered old in international MBA.

  1. Ankita Gautam

    I am a student from India. After 12th, I had a one year gap preparing for Engineering Entrance exams. I have done my Engineering from a private university. Then I had a gap of 1.5 yrs as I started my preparation for UPSC civil services but didn’t sail through. I have zero work experience. Kindly help me with the best strategy to get into the best b-school for mba with scholarship.

  2. Suraj Singh

    Hey sir
    i have one question ,i am pursuing hotel management and this is my last year so after this i want to do MBA so is this the right decision ?
    if yes please tell me what should i do for that
    thank you

  3. Muhammed Ansari

    Hi Sir , really had a great time watching your videos. I appreciate the way you talk about the problems/queries faced by the people these days! As doing MBA for Indians has became an OBSESSION , You know every second student from commerce sector has already planned to do MBA , So did I . But , i am still confused between MBA and Masters . I’ve been into many education fairs , events , consellor , etc. But all of them are motivating me for different paths . I like operational hospitality and marketing . This both really excites me alot . You must have heard “Too Many Chefs , Spoiled The Soup” Really having alot of stress due to future planning . And can’t concentrate on degree studies . Hope To See Your Reply Soon!
    Thanks for such informational videos , Keep It Up!

    1. MBA Crystal Ball

      Glad you liked the videos. You’ve probably seen this one too, where we talk about dealing with the dilemma of MS vs MBA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL0WWt1FYM4
      Don’t get brainwashed by people in education fairs, who have their own reasons to push candidates into the option they’re selling (without caring whether it’s in the interest of the candidate or not). You have already selected the field of interest. Try to get a job in that field before an MS or MBA, if you can. Start small and get some experience. Then think whether you need any additional degree to move higher. Till then don’t waste your (and your parents’) hard earned money.

  4. RAJAN Thakur

    Sir my B Tech percentage is 58
    MA economics percentage is 63
    I’m working in a bank as a probationary officer ( public sector bank)
    Can I get admission in United States I wanna pursue MBA finance or MS finance ?

    1. MBA Crystal Ball

      There are other aspects that admission officers will look for apart from what you’ve shared. Check out our video on MBA application requirements to get a deeper understanding and then focus on each one that’s still in your control.

    1. MBA Crystal Ball

      In most cases, yes you’d know the scholarship decisions along with the application decision. In some case, they may defer the decision by a week or two. In other cases, they might ask you to pay the deposit first. if you have scholarship offers from other programs, you can use that to negotiated a better deal with your top choice programs.

  5. Anashwar mv

    Sir, I am presently working as an R&D executive and I own a startup business. I’m planning to join an international MBA programs after 3 years of experience. So which are the core areas should I presently concentrate to build an impressing profile?
    Academic track record
    12th 99% percentage
    B.tech 8.3 GPA
    Graduated from Indian institute of Food Processing Technology

    1. Sameer Kamat

      Hi Navya, if you look at the average work experience (it’s around 5 years) in the top international MBA programs, your experience will be on the lower side. It might be better to work for a couple of years more, build your profile, get some managerial / leadership experience (as opposed to purely operational work). Also aim to get a good GMAT (or GRE) score along the way. Your profile will become more attractive to admission officers.

  6. Alfiya Sakharkar

    Very Informative Video Sir ??✨?
    Sir, I have completed BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies), I want to pursue my MBA from UK’s best universities, I am not sure about how many entrance exam I have to appear for admission?
    Also my CGPA has always been between 7-8 not more than that.
    Which among these entrance exams I need to take gmat, gre, ielts, toefl, etc. also it is worth doing mba from Uk on education loan basis ?
    Thanking you in ahead of time sir ?

    1. MBA Crystal Ball

      Hi Alfiya, you’ll need either the GMAT or GRE, and one of the two (IELTS/TOEFL). Watch this video for more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hugSTxze0k
      Many who go abroad take education loans. It sure is risky going abroad, considering the amount involved. Whether it’s worth it or not is a personal decision, that you’ll have to take based on how comfortable you are with the dynamics involved.

    1. MBA Crystal Ball

      Almost all the good MBA programs will expect applicants to have several years of work experience. Check the class statistics for a few top ranking programs to get an idea of who gets in.

  7. rahul sharma

    For doing mba in abroad a good collage of b.com is important or just marks are important??? Because iam from a small city and in my city there are no good collage for b.com @sameer kamat

    1. MBA Crystal Ball

      Hi Rahul, Both are important – college as well as grades. What’s more important is what you do after graduation. So if you haven’t been able to get the advantage of a strong college name and strong academic performance, better to start building an impressive professional profile.

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