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Some of the things you should know before moving to the USA.
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My name is Aladi-Ada Akoh (Rosemary) and I am currently a Graduate Student at SDSMT, USA.
I love making YouTube Videos about MY COLLEGE LIFE experiences. 🙂
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Hello Everyone,
Thanks for watching today’s video.
I recently moved my YouTube Channel from my personal Google Account to a Brand Account and this made me lose all my previous comments and replies on old videos.
Incase, you want me to reply you again please do let me know and I’ll try to reply as soon as possible.
Just know that I reply comments.?
Lol one of the things that shocked me too here was the grading system.. 96 to 100 is A, 91-95 Is B, 81 to 90 is C…. less than 60 is fail.
Currency conversion can give high blood pressure, only me advice myself to stop before I kill myself ??. I dey even advise people sef, God is our source, We operate heaven’s economy ?? so biko relax. All these lies agents lie tho?
@Aladi Akoh we dey here in fact we die here… bring it on!
This Girl is saying everything I experience I gave out all my drip clothes in Nigeria before coming to America mumu cold almost killed me
Yeah that’s true, even A get levels A-, A, A+ and anything 50 is F
Lol, It’s sad that Nigerians actually believe university is harder in Nigeria than abroad ?
Same name with the YouTube channel.
@Aladi Akoh ? Facebook it is, what’s your account? If you don’t mind ?
I’m not an Instagram person. ?
Yes, Facebook!
@Aladi Akoh Wow ? I spent a good 11 years in Nigeria and I don’t even remember all the states ??♂️ It’s the 21 century who is not on Instagram ? Facebook?
I’m from Kogi State! ?
No, I’m not on Instagram.
When the cold hit your soul!!!…
That was funny….
Tnx for being real!!!
If you know, you know! ?
Thank you for watching…
Good to hear from you again Aladi!!.. The Grading system seems demanding… But the courses one has to offer wont be as numerous as it is here in Nigeria.. I want to believe, I think when the environment is conducive in all aspects it can also enhance good assimilation. But how would you describe the changes in English being Spoken here and there? And how has it affected you as a person? And difficulty in Transition? From British to American English?
They do not accept British English here, at least not written words. For instance, Americans write “color” instead of “colour”, “favor” instead of “favour”. They never say “whilst”; always “while”.Eventually you adjust.
@Aladi Akoh ohhhhh okay…. Would watch out for that!… Take care!
Guyssss she’s not tripping, she’s speaking facts!?
Woow!! ??
This is interesting, thanks for being real dear.
Thank you. ?❤️
Great job you’re doing!! Well done dear ??
Thank you. ?
I had to come and check your accent! After seeing your comment on Dinma Umeh’s video. Where do you school? Lived in Durham, NC and St Petes Fl. Hmm that 90 as A shook me in the US
@Aladi Akoh your right I live in Minnesota. There are no Africa stores in SD.
Thanks a lot. ❤️❤️
@Aladi AkohAkoh your accent is beautiful! you are audible and clear I live how you switch though! But that shows authenticity! Keep up the good job
Haha ?
So what do do you think about my accent?
I school in South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
Some students don’t know about the grading system till they get here. ?
Nice to connect with you dear! I enjoyed your video, all the way from Malaysia!
You are a great source of inspiration.. never forget that
Awww ❤️ thank you so much. ?
Came across your page from Dimma’s page. Nice job you’re doing. Seriously thinking of “traveling to the abreoad?” for masters. Getting a bit cold feet. Maybe I’ll reach out to you soon. Thanks for sharing this journey with us. Watched the video on what to bring, the abacha part cracked me up, I’m a die hard abacha fan?? nkwobi, ugba. Happy to know I’m not alone.
@Aladi Akoh nice
Jessica Dominics
Aww! You’re welcome to my channel! ?
I am glad you’re here!!!
Came across your page from Dyna Ekueme comment section , and I’m so glad I did ?
Awww thank you for the kind words.
This is the type of subscribers I’m looking for…?
People that will watch the videos and find them helpful..
I am glad to have you here. ❤️
@Aladi Akoh Yes I do like it here, your videos are insightful. I think I’ve watched over 8 lol.
Thanks for the info miss! God bless you! You are so real and natural!
you should do a video on what it cost you to move initially and on average what you spend, how your family sends money to you, etc
I’ll try to make a video addressing the monthly expenses and how families can send money from home.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Regarding the cost, you can watch the video below to learn how to get your own estimate:
Just found your channel. I love this information. Subscribed!!!
You’re welcome to my channel. ❤️
Awww! Thank you. ?
Much love boo ❤ please talk more on this video.
Thank you for telling it as it is. Your perspective is unique and educational for all people, please continue with program and you will capture more followers from many different people and your $ will grow. Thank you and stay blessed. ???you.
Thank you!!!!!!
You will become a big star on YouTube because of your honesty and telling it as it is, your audience will grow and grow, it is clearly visible to me. Your videos teach many people not from US how it really is. Your audience is not only Nigeria but the whole world. God is with you always, when lonely turn to God. ???you. Keep on going everithing that you do is interesting and educational.
You have been writing a lot of positive comments on my videos. I really appreciate you! Thanks a lot!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Oml, I love the way you keep it real even with your Nigerian accent. I love it! You just earned a new subscriber!?