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My Study Abroad: FEA Scholarship in Japan 【CC字幕】 (USA) 海外の反応

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Hector Santiago and twins Shonda & Shalisha Witherspoon share about their study abroad through
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Topics in this video: 外国人 日本 外の反応 Foreigners in Japan Culture Shock Life in Japan Speaking Japanese Fund for Education Abroad Kyoto Japan

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  1. Cierra M

    This sounds AMAZING!! I graduated college last year, but would love to still study (?)/work abroad! Is teaching English still one of the only jobs you can get in Japan as a US graduate? I’m still looking at JET! I’d love to have that opportunity!

    1. KemushiChan ロレッタ

      +Cierra M There’s a great video on channel “InternationallyME” that covers this! In Japan your two biggest assets are (1) University Diploma (=eligibility for work visa) and (2) Japanese ability (=richer job options including English teaching, international marketing, sales, translation, etc.) I would definitely look into internships and job fairs (Japanese international ‘Career Forums’), and head hunters.

  2. りいばい

    すごいビデオね! As I said on Twitter, I received the Benjamin A. Gilman to go to Japan and study. It’s similar to the FEA where they focus on minority and underrepresented students. If anyone has any questions, I’m glad to answer them.

  3. Lamont Agyekum


  4. Minxoxo

    At first I thought your hair was natural suddenly looking at the video tag! And I missed your whole transition! (I just woke up don’t ask lol) THIS IS AMAZING!! Thank you so much for this!!

    1. KemushiChan ロレッタ

      +Elise Mathis FEA works a little differently from other scholarships because it’s very flexible and not tied to a certain program in specific countries. Instead, you pick a program in the country you’re interested in and apply for FEA funding to cover the program fees for you. It’s another reason why I like this program so much!

  5. LakersBabygirl

    Amazing! I wish the opportunity could be extended to more than just undergrad though! I am a minority from a nowhere town population 1,400 in south Alabama, but I graduated from college, and am currently trying to teach myself Japanese. (My college didn’t offer any Japanese courses) Nowhere near me offers Japanese courses, so I do most of my learning and listening through online resources… But if I could study abroad that would be awesome! 🙂 I am also looking into the Jet program and Aeonet!

    1. Afrology

      +LakersBabygirl The Genki textbooks are used for intro level Japanese and are a good resource. I am currently teaching myself Japanese as well and like the layout of the Genki series. I live and go to college in California (Harvey Mudd) and will be studying abroad next year. I couldn’t get into a Japanese class as my schedule was filled up so I went to the Genki book, and reading and writing is a breeze (hiragana/Katakana). Good luck!

    2. KemushiChan ロレッタ

      +LakersBabygirl I’m not sure about what the residency requirement is, but you might be able to swing something if a family member is still there? 😀 It might be worth checking. As for Alabama.. hrmm… You might want to check out the story on Frances Hartwell from UA. There are a few scholarships listed there that may need a second look 😉

    3. LakersBabygirl

      +KemushiChan ロレッタ Awesome! Do I have to be a resident of Cali, though? I haven’t lived in California since I was a little girl (12) I’ve basically spent my whole life living in a tiny town in Alabama (though I am definitely still a Lakers fan!) so my residency is in Alabama. And there aren’t any Japan-related resources here, that’s for sure, lol!

    4. KemushiChan ロレッタ

      +LakersBabygirl Quick question – your username has ‘Lakers’ in it? If you are from California, there’s a lot of scholarships that are ONLY to Cali residents! In a few months the “Aurora Challenge Grant” will open up, which is a scholarship that funds an inspirational dream project that you design in Japan. I would check out the website and start thinking about it now, because if you can convince the judges that your project proposal is worthwhile, they’ll fund you do what YOU want in Japan :).

  6. Kayla Wyatt

    Yes! I am finally, officially, a student! This would be great for me. I am Half Caucasian half Native/Black (Dad is mixed), and my school is a community college, and I am married, and I am a woman. I am all for playing my cards. Hopefully I can get this scholarship.

    One request, could you do an interview video on people that studied/worked/work in Japan who have kids. I have never met anyone that did stuff like this who had kids, so I have no idea what to expect or how to prepare myself. :/

  7. leonie jacobs

    I have been a subscriber for a while now but have never comented. I however have to say that I am always impressed by how much you give back to your suscriber and readers. It must take a lot of dedication and investment to respond so informatively and consistently. It clearly reflects the passion and love you have for what you do. Thank you so much! X

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