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Study Abroad at National University, San Diego & Los Angeles (USA)

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Students and professors of National University in San Diego & Los Angeles tell you what it is like to live and study in California!

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National University was founded in 1971 and offers students various study opportunities at two attractive locations – "America's Finest City" San Diego and "The City of Angels" Los Angeles.

National University's unique one-course-per-month format enables students to start their programs any month of the year and to complete their studies in an accelerated time frame.

The university offers students a dynamic and extremely progressive state of the art study program, including the latest trends in technology, mobility and know-how. At National University, students and professors are actively collaborating in a lively and interactive learning environment.

National University offersmore than 200 Bachelor and Master programs in various study fields, study abroad terms, and English-as-a-Second-Language courses.

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