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In this video I have shared all the information which you need to know if you want to study abroad.
I hope this video gives you initial start towards studying abroad.



(webinar is about study abroad opportunities, how to apply. how to win the scholarship, toefl/iellts etc)

About Me
I am currently doing my First Internship at Radboud University Medical Center/Radboud University..My Research(1st Internship) is in the Area Of Cancer Immunotherapy especially Ovarian Cancer. I have almost finished my internship and now working on my thesis. I will be making more vlogs so do consider subscribing if you are interested in my content. I have completed my Masters in Microbiology from Pune University, India.
I make videos about my research, life as a research student, science, technology, productivity and lifestyle.

I hope this video helps you and do not forget to share your thoughts or questions in the comment section and like this video.
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Edited By- Amit
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#howto #indianstudent #studyabroad #netherlands #usa #canada #australia #germany #southkorea #university #college #shwetamahajan


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  1. Pragya Giri

    Hii Shweta, I’m Pragya. I have completed my masters in biotechnology last year 2019. Want to go for a research career ahed. How can I apply to Netherlands into some course before enrolling into phd?? Please reply as you have become an inspiration for all of us. Thanks.

  2. shaik wahida sulthana

    Hi Shweta ma’am,
    Ma’am please provide information about entrance exam to get medical pg seat in Netherlands to become a specialist ( surgeon) doctor in Netherlands , after completing MBBS in india

  3. Deepak Kakkar

    Hi Dear, Please guide us for study in canada. My wife(31 years) has 3 year BSC in CS(2008-11) , 5 years in IT job(2012-2017) +
    MCA-NonRegular(2012-2014) + B.Ed(2017-2019). Now she wants to do masters in canada. Is she eligible for higher studies in this age and with such study gap.

  4. Teen Academy

    Di, i just want to know that i have a friend who is interested in bsc but he doesn’t have molecular biology as course in his college so for like a student who completes his Bsc in Biotechnology/emergency ad trauma care technology can persue Ms in Microbiology abroad?

  5. Azad Singh

    How to apply in abroad University now i m in 12th standard in science stram i want to go abtoad for The Bachelor degree plz advice to me. I will be very thankful of you. can i get the scholarship for abroad plz tell Procedure of it.

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