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Studying in BITS vs Studying in USA! Choosing BITS over IITs: Salary Package, Fees

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Video comparing the Opportunities, Salary, Curriculum and Fees at BITS vs in Top US Schools. Checkout Curious Harish's Channel:

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  1. Curious Harish

    Wow man! Your editing skills are crazy. Thanks a lot for having me Harnoor! It was a pleasure collaborating with you. You’re the one who inspired me to start vlogging❤️❤️. Have a great journey ahead.

    1. Love Rebel

      I really like Harish a lot , his approach ,his attitude & the way he speaks is so awesome ,the only thing is I have no respect for BITS as it is a private college, to bits faltu maha faltu bekar hai ,will tear down bits invitation letter to bits of pieces, but lots of love & respect for harish & harish has a golden future

  2. Simple Career

    Your channel’s consistency and dedication are really inspiring! As a fellow Indian, who just started on Youtube, sharing career knowledge from people in diff domains to ensure people grow in their career, I really hope to maintain consistency like you and provide massive value as you do! 
    Thank you so much for the value provided! ❤️

  3. The Birthday Video

    Hey Bro,
    Just wondering, how you started earnings from a YouTube channel being a F1 student VISA holder? Have you faced any issues regarding legality of earnings through YouTube while on F1 in US

  4. Abhinav Aman

    Hey Harnoor , I am abhinav. I am pursuing my b.tech from IIT Indore in civil engineering. It is a new iit anf my branch is also 3rd from the bottom in our college. I had the choice of joining many good colleges. But I chose iit above them. See, there are some reasons which I am telling you
    1.) Peer group is amazing. Our cse closed near AIR 1100.
    2.) You get good profs.
    3.) We also have no attendance for first year and around 50% from 2nd year. And for exams one week is sufficient. Therefore in 8 months of college(4 each sem.) 2 months of study is enough to do all assignments and manage good CPI.
    In rest of the time we also develop some skills. Like I am interested in coding so I code a lot and one of my roommate is in cse which is an huge advantage for me. I am definitely sure that at the end of my U.G I will become a good coder and apply off campus mainly. so your branch doesn’t matter a lot. If you want to do something you can and you will definitely get enough free time and great peer group to accomplish that .
    Thanks for reading.

  5. Chinmay Das

    Hey harnoor you have been doing a great job! Can you bring in some Indian medical students who are pursuing their post graduation and research in US. Hope you bring out some content for us medicos as well that would definitely be beneficial. Thank you

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