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The TRUTH about Study Abroad | MY EXPERIENCE + Q&A!

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Top tips you NEED to know about Studying Abroad! My experience of moving from the UK to USA and ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS!
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Ever since my College Move In Vlog ( ) I get asked countless questions about HOW I MOVED ABROAD. In this video I aim to answer all your questions and provide top tips and recommendations. My knowledge is of moving from England to America, but I hope this video can help all potential study abroad students understand how they can achieve their dream.

Helpful Link:

Time Stamps:
00:33 My Experience (Including info about classes and housing)
06:18 Visa Process
08:39 & 18:00 Finances (Including info about Meal Plans)
10:46 Classes (Following on from 00:33)
11:47 Best / Worst Experiences
13:56 Travel Opportunities
14:44 Funny Questions I Got Asked
16:17 Moving My Belongings
17:38 Christmas Break
19:18 Going Solo


I'm Charlie, a 22 y/o digital media student.
Travel, film & design are life.
I never stay still for long, watch all my Travel Adventures here:

Have a question or video suggestion? Leave it below! Nothing makes me happier than replying to comments?

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    1. Charlie Grace

      Thank you! Hope you have the best time there! I have a vlog from Boston if you need some recommendations, you have to go to Blackbird Donuts – BEST DONUTS EVER. Get the Pumpkin Cream!

  1. Coco Naqvi

    Hey Charlie, great video, I’m about to start six form and I really want to study in the US as a student-athlete. Would my school help me with this process or would I have to do this all by my self? I want to study for the whole 4 years. 🙂 And I only want to study psychology or do I have to study more subjects?

    1. Charlie Grace

      Thank you! For my particular course I was given a list of universities applicable to me both in and out of Europe. From those I chose my top 5 universities, my top one being UNCC, which I was lucky enough to be accepted for:)

    1. Charlie Grace

      Sorry for the late reply. You’d have to apply as an international student if you’re looking to do your full degree there. Otherwise, as I recommend here, it’s a good idea to go to a University in your home country that offers a study abroad option as part of your degree.

    1. Charlie Grace

      I coincidentally went to the same university as someone I knew, but we chose not to live together. It takes a little time to make friends, but you’ll definitely be able to in your classes, and I highly recommend joining societies to extend your social circle. Also see if there’s any events / societies specifically for international students too. Don’t be nervous, you’ll have a great time!

    1. Charlie Grace

      Studying there is definitely different. There’s far more exams / quizzes – I found anyway, as you have midterms and finals, as well as random pop quizzes. But I think the difficulty really depends on the subject and subject level. So I went to America after completing my second year in the UK, but I took classes that first year students were taking in America – so they were easy for me – but I also took Second through to Fourth year classes, so obviously they vary in difficulty.

    1. Queendomx

      Do A-levels cause American University do not recognise Btec and you should attend Fulbright college admission seminars where you can talk to multiple representatives from different American universities to give advice on the application process

    1. Charlie Grace

      I can’t see why not, if you go on the website for the university you have in mind there should be a section dedicated to international students, there will be more information there.

    2. Charlie Grace

      I’m not sure about how you’d apply without using a scheme through your university in the UK. But your university here will give you a list of universities they are partnered with around the globe so you don’t need to contact them directly

  2. Callum Daniel Bowden

    Thanks for the advice! I am hoping to study out in Texas, at UTA, in January and was wondering how did you cope with finances? Is it beneficial to set up an American bank account on arrival? Have read that some university accommodation will only accept American bank accounts etc (I don’t know if this applies to me yet lol). Also, did you get an American SIM? My bets are on that it helps a bit while out there.

    1. Charlie Grace

      Happy to help. How exciting! Nope I personally had no need for an American account – seems strange that they’d make you have American account honestly – I used the Post Office Travel Card – however I’d now recommend Monzo (wasn’t a thing back then!) check out the Travel T&C’s but I’m pretty Monzo don’t have fees when using abroad? Yes definitely get a SIM, I know a lot of people that just tried to rely on WiFi but I found a really cheap year long plan with Speedtalk. You don’t get much data but it really helps when you need maps for example! A lot of big phone companies that you pay monthly for in the US do require a bank account (+their plans are super expensive!) so personally I recommend this way if you think you can monitor your data use each month?

    1. Charlie Grace

      Hey, no the visa you’ll get specifically doesn’t allow you to work there. There’s some loopholes, if you’re hired by the university itself you may be able to work on campus, but it would be a limited amount of hours

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