Traveling Back to the USA After Study Abroad in Europe
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Hi everyone!
In today's vlog I am traveling back to the U.S. after studying abroad in Europe for 6 months. I made this video very emotional (lol) but it matches how I felt (and still feel) perfectly. It's all very bittersweet. I hope you enjoyed coming along this chapter of my life with me and I'm excited to continue on to the next one with you! 🙂
↣Instagram: @natalieanaka
Natalie ♡
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FTC: This video is NOT sponsored and all opinions are my own. I do not own any of the music that I used in this video.
Excuse the emotional video lol, but I hope you enjoyed coming along my study abroad journey 🙂
Oh you brought back so many memories for me. It’s very rough adjusting back to your old routine, especially if you’ve had a great experience studying abroad. You Will likely have these emotions for several months. Just know that is normal. I’m so impressed at how mature you are. By the way, Trader Joe’s is awesome. I sent my son up to Flagstaff with a bunch of stuff from TJ’s and Costco. If you’re feeling like you want some snacks from Germany or Europe, check out Cost Plus. They have lots of imported items from all over. Have a great school year.
It definitely has been difficult, but I’m slowly adjusting and moving forward. Yes I am just now learning that Trader Joes is great! Your comment actually motivated me to go to Cost Plus and I found some goodies from Europe! I’m so happy about this! 🙂
Hi Natalie! I don’t know you but I can totally understand what you’re feeling. I spent a year in New Zealand and I had an amazing time there! I met great people and I also had a boyfriend there. I loved my life there and once I was back in my old life at home I felt like I just lost this amazing life I had. Getting adjusted to my old life was hard and now, over a year later I still often think back to my time in New Zealand. I guess I will forever feel a little bit homesick for this country with these special people who made me feel like I found a second home on the other side of the world 🙂
I wish you all the best!
wow that’s so crazy, i’m from NZ & we barely ever see our country mentioned in videos or comments sections hahaha. I’m glad you enjoyed staying here!
It’s so comforting to know that I’m not the only one that has felt this way. It’s definitely strange to leave a place that you established yourself in :,( Thank you so much for your well wishes and sweet words <3
Hi Natalie I’m glad you had a safe trip and yes I would love to see another video on the specific transitions from daily life in Europe to Arizona
Hi! I know this comment is very late, but in the last few days I watched all of your study-abroad-experience videos and it was an incredible journey. I’m so happy for you, it really seems like you’ve grown a lot during these months in Germany. I was also studying in Germany in April – August 2019 and it was also extremely difficult for me to return to my old life. I decided to continue taking a German language course, once a week, and just in general to keep in touch with a few good friends that I made in Germany. So I know that feeling of being torn between two places too well. Just wanted to let you know that you really touched my heart, and I am thankful that you decided to share your experiences with us. I wish you the best, and I hope you are doing well!
This comment is so sweet and made my night? I’m glad that I wasn’t as alone as I thought when I felt that way!! I appreciate you’re sweet comment and hope you’re doing well!
Natalie! I’m so glad you had a good experience traveling abroad. I’ve been watching your journey from the beginning, and I know your first couple of days in Germany were hard. Hang in there, let yourself cry. We’re all rooting for you!
Thank you so so much Kimberly!! <3 <3
4:12 Epic view.
Hi Natalie! It was so strange for me to watch this video because I did my year abroad at NAU! (I’m from England). I know exactly how you are feeling, I miss Flagstaff soooo much now that I’m back and my home university and the life I made there, so it was funny to see that we had such similar experiences but the opposite way round!
It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one experiencing this❤️ It’s strange to be home sick from a place that you only visited and lived in for a few months, but it’s definitely something I felt!!
Living in Europe for a long time and then moving to Arizona I had hard time adjusting to the desert and then Germany again when I came back. I’m a super emotional person so I cry regardless lol. Not sure if you’re still going the teacher route but you could work as a teacher in Europe through the department of defense if you miss it a lot!!
It’s so crazy how the process of change works! I am definitely emotional too, so I understand lol!! Yes I am now beginning to consider some teaching options in Europe 🙂
I think you had a really good time in Germany. 😉
So no excuses for your emotions.
And i hope one day we can see new vlogs from Germany from you. 🙂
Good luck for your study! 😉
I definitely had an amazing experience in Germany. I definitely will be back hehe
How to I try abroad study of mechanical course ?
Nice video