U.S. colleges at risk as Chinese reconsider studies abroad
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For many years, the U.S. has been the top destination for Chinese seeking advanced degrees. But there's trouble on the horizon. Heightened political tensions have prompted President Donald Trump to prohibit some Chinese graduate students from obtaining visas. But even prior to that, a recent survey found Chinese families were reconsidering sending their children to the U.S.. That may have big repercussions for American colleges.
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You can go singapore new Zealand Scotland
Scotland is still UK isnt it? Ireland maybe another new option.
Dont go usa…they will stop you from breathing?
i cant breathe in beijing what a joke they are in china.
US will loose out!
@Covert Puppytwo He should blame the English tutor, who is probably a westerner. Funny that.
@Covert Puppytwo “was”? ?
@darth vadar lol
you could do with learning English, maybe 回你的英文班,告诉老师你没有学好
If they don’t welcome Chinese students, well just shake the dust off, and move on to other place that welcome.
@Abraham Tan Not true. Still there is racism everywhere. We need to each examine ourselves.
@Tintin Magsino Some are good depending on the school. Cebu may be one of the best places.
@konde888 Some universities, especially public/state universities are difficult to get into for all.
That sounds like the advice Christ gave about sharing the Gospel in the New Testament.
But our president doesn’t recognize that
International students always think the grass is greener on the other side but they don’t watch news how much hate and racism and murdered rate has in the US….
Whole world noticed very well now
White people in the USA are immigrants as well. They killed and stole the country from the native Americans
Trump is influenced by alt Right. they claim Chinese students will stay and start families thus multiplying Asian numbers here
US college education is probably one of the worst investments you can make. It’s become and industrial complex like the medical and industrial sectors. Don’t fuel it. It’s yesterday’s fashion.
Thats Why they come here from all over the World!!! WTF
@Covert Puppytwo Actually, yes we do know better. Ultra rich people send kids to american universities to give them a good portfolio and impress fools. They are massively overrated and overpriced thanks to massive PR. The university rankings are extremely biased and evaluated by western standards such us number of publications in english language journals, with USA set prices which obviously excludes everyone who isn’t a native speaker, and isn’t rich. What little edge is left after all of that is mostly irrelevant in the long run, and certainly not worth the money, and there are plenty of great non-US non-UK based universities, including public ones. But hey, enjoy your american exceptionalism, we all know you are THE number ONE country in the united states.
@cohen darwin Anglo nations need to reflect on its own racism. you see so much segregation on US campuses .
@Papyrus Okagbue in dorms the free sex is still segregated by race. no white girl is gonna willing open her legs to Chinese, Asian, black, Mexican student just like that. they still have racial hierarchies
Chinese should all go home and not pay ridiculous good money to feed the US universities. Without Chinese money these can be cocky on their own. China can pay top salary and there will be no shortage of top educators flocking to China.
China must be responsible for what they did!!, we are here suffering caused covid, china such a bad country and faking it
ok clown educators flocking to china virus country lol go for it
They may get some, but it isn’t always a matter of money. Freedom of information, atmosphere and the chance to meet people from various countries, etc. are also important too.
We welcome Chinese students here in Singapore. No racism here!
@asia sushi It does not matter where they are born. If their parents are of Chinese origin than they are CHINESE. Nothing is going to change that. I don’t care if they can speak better English than their Chinese. It is their loss not able to speak Chinese.
@Dave You misunderstood Dave. I mean people in Singapore better not discriminate Chinese because Singapore’s population is 75% of Chinese origin.
Good take them.
@Smash Smash Chinese ethic doesnt mean Chinese origin. New generation Singapore citizens speaks English better and more than Chinese Mandarin. This is the place where East meets West with little discrimination. Singapore is of the most tolerant and diverse nation in the world.
Better not, 75% of Singapore are of CHINESE origin.
US graduates are considered low standards snd attended by Students unable to get a place in local universities.
Red Disaster In order to defeat your opponent, you must know what he knows him inside out first. If you hate China, you should know this.
@Red Disaster If only you knew that 51% of professors in America are foreigners and more than half of its second gen being descendants of immigrants ?
You are absolutely right. But again, only undergraduate degrees
America or Australia cannot or have the rights to criticising China or Asia for reminding their citizens not to study there or visit, it’s America & Australia is the one that wants to ban Chinese students, harassing, asking them to go back to China!! Now, China is doing what you wanted? Also its wrong? To be fair, even without China advise not to do so, am sure all parents who is paying Usd $50000 for their child, to study would wants to make sure they are safe. Education is important, but their children lives is equally important!!
Good riddance then.
@Ian that’s what he said. Lol
@Nokai2 ok clown you be the first
@Maxi Max you got no idea clown
@Nokai2 Dude, am in Canada. At least in British Columbia. Only if they get rid of “British”. But hey am not in Ontario or Quebec. But yeah, they deserve it. God I hope the 5 Stars Eyes disband
They threaten us, now we show them the full effect of their threat. Let them know the new China is a force to be respected and not abused. Let them feel the effect of the students absence.
The US think they don’t have enough problems in their country. This move just brings the US decline going faster.
Nobody needs to study in the US. Many students around the world are now considering studying in China.
@Georgetoyou Rude? as if your kind are not? HAHAHAHAHA.
As if there aren’t any poor people all over the world and ONLY in China, righto. Wonder who ws those homeless bums i came across during my trip to NY couple years back…oh i know…they aren’t muricans…just migrants 🙂 Hypocrite much? Your people created the animosity, karma is a biatch.
@Charles ChinGood for you. Be glad you can share your opinion on YouTube here (despite the fact that few non-CCP members are in agreement). That luxury is not afforded to nearly all in mainland China. Also no need to be rude and condescending. You have influenced no one here (which is your likely goal). I will now do something more fruitful.
@Georgetoyou I am having a splendid life as of now. There are no burning,looting,daily mass killings in my part of the world. Important is i have a nice clean toilet at home hahahahahaha.
Why should i change all this for chaos? because of your so-called ‘human rights’? well you can shove it where it sees no daylights 🙂
@Charles Chin So let those governments all fall. This would include the CCP. Then let a government of the people, by the people and for the people rise up. Also let people learn from many sources. Many sources.
@Georgetoyou Same goes to that cuntry who is hell-bent on destroying another – PURE EVIL.
Time for china to put tremendous amount of investment into its own universities and colleges and school so students don’t need to go abroad for further education…that would be fabulous
#wudan change (d) to H so ur name become the almighty virus state wuhan
@passerby uff they are removing my comments
Only bright Indian people can get into top universities of india
Who are not able to crack tough exams(those Indians) have to buy degrees with dollars .
So hope $$ which u earn by killing ur environment to satisfy world hunger for manufactured goods helps u grabs few degrees and citizenship of USA to save urself from ur toxic environment .
@Romar Not something a poor Indian who has never had real money would understand, of course.
It’s mainly because these kids and their families think it is more prestigious to go to an American University for bragging and clout
Avoid the 6 eye countries.
It’s more like a 6 Fox hole country
@Sam 1308 India, their blood is blue and their hearts are white.They should be brothers cause they have the same nasty mouths and very little shame.
wapworld 1.United sick of America 2.united queendom 3.ca Na da.4 new sealand.5. Aussie.6?? Who’s number 6 eye? Can be India,Japan,Korea philippine,Vietnam they not white !! As far as I know only white allowed to be the member of the ?
Not only a m e R I C a ??, China should ban students and “tourists” going to U.K , Australia and canada too ❗「 if you don’t include “ tourists ” going there as well , it is not going to hurt or frighten them , mark my words !!!! 」❣️
@xinyiquan666 world knows who contaminated Air ? and bidding goodbye to innocent lives
@Theymay cry There are various reasons which has little to do with the west. One is that many who leave China especially for lowly rated unis such as places like University of Derby or University of Kansas do so because they had not been accepted by unis in China. Secondly, some believe that a degree from the west will confer some advantages when it comes to jobs. Thirdly, some simply want to go to the west because it’s a status thing that allows them and family to boast. It’s amazing how often this used in social circles, often very loudly so that all can hear it, “My son is studying in America…”. Others simply go because they want to improve their English. Unfortunately (or fortunately), an overseas degree now does not give any kudos, and might even work against the person. More and more Chinese employers are realising that graduates with foreign degrees are often biggest BS purveyors and what they learn is often ill-suited to China’s needs. Thus is especially true of those who studied communications or media or literature. Those who did undergrad science are usually slight behind their Chinese counterparts.
@Daisy Wong UK is only giving BNO passports, it does not have any form of perks. Only limited to those born before 97 …. Doubt UK will welcome them with open arms …
@Daisy Wong I hope those Rioters go there. They would know what’s true slavery are like in UK.
Chinese tourists should go to countries that welcome them. There are many countries that belong to the BMI that welcome Chinese tourists. Lets help our brother countries and strengthen the BMI philosophy of raising prosperity through co-operation and trade.
Education in Germany and Spore and China are equally good. They are less traditional and more applicable. Today’s dynamic conditions require education to change from traditional to application.
Well done China never let the Yangkee bully the chinese and stop buying US products
Stop buying I phone 1st and stop using technology form westerners! West countries banned Huawei and now tiktok, WeChat!! So Chinese people needs to stop buying West countries products!
lets respect their decision and study elsewhere
Says a short sighted Anglo or Indian
The world turns with money, not ego
Don’t come to Australia too. Australia is USA’s lackey.