@Kamochi ombiro masters in human computer interaction. i dont know whether we can make it on time because of the virus. how about we connect on social media. I found you on linkedin.. i shall be in contact with you. Please accept my request on linkedin 🙂
This video seems to be very sience-oriented, but I found some language-themed courses on the website that seem quite good to me. Does anyone have experience with language courses at Uppsala University? Thanks in advance 🙂
This university looks absolutely stunning. I’m seeking to study abroad here, but for media, I don’t know if I have a chance. The video is giving off the “selective” feel for when it comes to admissions. I’m still going to apply anyway! It looks awesome!
I cant believe I’ve been admitted here. It’s all so surreal. I thank God
@AK Creations
Do you have twitter.
I forgot my linked in password.
Or you can send me an email.
I’ll share my what’s app there
@Kamochi ombiro masters in human computer interaction. i dont know whether we can make it on time because of the virus. how about we connect on social media. I found you on linkedin.. i shall be in contact with you. Please accept my request on linkedin 🙂
Which masters will you take??
@AK Creations yes???❤❤❤
@Kamochi ombiro awesome!. meet you in Uppsala.
I want to study abroad in Sweden so bad =[ I want to live there forever.
Did you ever make it
Just like me, but not forever for me
This video seems to be very sience-oriented, but I found some language-themed courses on the website that seem quite good to me. Does anyone have experience with language courses at Uppsala University? Thanks in advance 🙂
Imagine a world where all countries are like Sweden. Is it possible ?
my dream……love from pakistan
Sorry I m from UK but Pakistan is so poor I know, Uppsala university fee is so high
Contact me- +44 6578 5698 2
whats wrong with your own country
I would not mind doing my masters in ochem here. I hope I can study internationally after my BS 🙂
I want that too. (That strange pixel was played with me, I thought that’s a pixel error on my screen). 🙂
A very good video about Uppsala university and about being a student there.
pou pame re mlk..
teleia!!! i kaliteri epilogi..
Why using a multichannel pipettor but only with a tip??
hahha I thought the same
Was there last year for a week attending my cousins chess competitions, nice place
They had a nice collection of mummies
Am from India & I wish to know the admission requirements…
figame patrioti… ekei exoume (distixos) perissoteres elpides…
The first music is of the wheater of my country :v
gamiseta!!san mouseia einai!!
sta dika mas panepistimia (ap8) kukloforoune kai koimoudai adespota skilia kai polla alla…..:(
pame re ellinaressss
Jag behöver en lägenhet i Uppsala från januari till juni 2013.
This university looks absolutely stunning. I’m seeking to study abroad here, but for media, I don’t know if I have a chance. The video is giving off the “selective” feel for when it comes to admissions. I’m still going to apply anyway! It looks awesome!
Best of luck you will get the admisson letter. 🙂
It’s been 7 years, have you go to this university?
hahaha i LOVE how shes hanging out at 7:04