What it’s like to be an International Student in the US
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hi everyone! today i'm sharing what my experience was like as an international student in the united states. as you know i moved from the dominican republic to study filmmaking and i learned so many things along the way, from the process to what it's like after you graduate so i thought i'd share! hope you guys enjoy it ?
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Me, from a small european country : ” I want to move to the US and study in nyc”
My parents: hahahaha
Lucky for you, you are european and not some indigenous kid from a 3rd world country
NYC is expensive
Same!! I’m from Switzerland and my parents find it funny that I wanna study in California
If it makes you feel good I’m trying to afford school by myself in nyc ? it wasnt my first choice but the school offered a big aid package at thr end , so if you want it , fight for it , its going to be hard and exhausting not gonna lie ?
Aena Mustafa sorry *i mean applicant, which I wrote ’application.’
I also want to study in the USA;;; but I need to practice my english;; ThaAaAaAAaaanks for you experience <3
Its SO expensive for college though! Go to the UK instead
Refer channel Simple Simi in California for much better details. ?
Me too❤️❤️
Ohh i forgot to mention! You have to take an English proficiency test before you come to the US. I’m sure you’d do great!!! ❤️
Thank you so much aaahh!!!?
Tbh, you kinda look like Petra from Jane the Virgin ??
@A little bit of Monika your name is indian but very different voice
i just finished jane the virgin and she 100% does!!
I’ve actually heard that before ?
Could you please talk about ways to stay in the US and work after graduating from college as an international student?
@matovu trevor lmao
@matovu trevor i would absolutely love to and it’s been my dream as long as i remember … but i have family in the us (they moved there ) so it’s more likely to live there than canada
Just go to Canada
@The Thing so you mentioned that if you have a familly member in the US , they might help you ! can you tell me more about it if possible … by the way , they’re kind of not closely related , which i doubt could be a problem but just saying
The Thing thanks that was helpful
I’m hoping to move to USA in like 5 years and I’m watching moving videos now after midnight…..I’m crazy
Same here
Same lol
? me too
When did you get your accent because you really sound like an American? I am Dominican, too.
The English Exams was the TOEFL?
I love your videos! I’m Dominican-American and when I found out you were Dominican as well I was so happy ❤️❤️? ojalá un día puedes hacer un video en español ❤️❤️✨
i want to make a video in spanish! i just still don’t know about what haha but someday i will! ❤️
Hi Monika! I’m going to the USA as an international (exchange) student in a few weeks and your video was very helpful! I’m not going as a real international student like you, but as a cultural exchange student, which means that i’m going there to learn about american culture and promote my culture in the USA but once i’ll be there, it will be as if I was an international student.
I would recommend to people who may not have enough money to afford american tuitions to go there by this process. A lot of universities have partnerships with american universities and depending on where you’re from, it is A LOT cheaper to study in the US. I’m from France and instead of paying americans tuition, i’m paying the one from my home university (so in my case: 0€ since i have a scholarship, but people usually pay around 170€). A full academic year will cost me around $16 000 including housing, food and plane tickets. I can only stay there for 1 year and I won’t get my diploma from the american university (but from my home university), but I think it’s worth it.
I want to be an exhange student in the US and im just 13?
It’s okay cause I’m only 13 too and after about 3 years I’m gonna move into USA provably in the LA. And live by my self alone :’)
@Maroua Bouita same here but I’m almost 15
Lmaoooo i’m 14 and i wanna go there???
reвeĸĸa geѕн varнaza thanks! Good luck to u too, i think u can do it
Hahah me too, too bad i do not come from a rich family :/ guess i can’t
Good luck for you tho
i love your editing! But i ain’t gonna lie international tuition can be hella expensive.. how can u afford that? And which uni do/did you attend? (u don’t have to answer that if u don’t feel inclined to).
Having friends from other cultures makes me more creative. In fresh ways about space and how people create their own world and environment. It is best way to connect between creative thinking and cross-cultural relationships???
Hi Monika! Thank you so much for this video! I am currently an international student in the U.S and I was wondering how you are able to make money on YouTube (if you make money) legally as an international student in the U.S.
A little bit of Monika hey but how to get the money back to USA to you if that make sense because a lot banks in the Caribbean don’t do international money transfer online?
Hi! <3 anyone can make money on youtube! you just have to put your bank and tax info from your country
this is so helpful because i’m dominican myself and i’ve been interested in studying in the usa!! thanks a lot ?
Me : I’m grown enough to move out of my country.
My parents:: hahahahahahaha . Focus on what you are studying
On september ima go to U.s and stay there for good wish me luck guys oh I’m from philippines ??
Brody Penn ???
Oh god they killed him
I’m Scared To go To America for Many years And Forget Tagalog and Bisaya Mayy ghadd cassie?…Pero totoo Takot ako ?
@Baggerra Well, let’s hope it’s going fine
How is it going
Actually am gonna be an international student as i go to grade 9 this upcoming school year and I am so happy to finally have found this video. New subscriber btw ??
Did u move alone to america at 16?? ?how did it go? What did u use to get exchange year? Where did u stay? How was it?
Same here!
@A little bit of Monika thank you ??
welcome and good luck in this upcoming school year!!
Thank God I found you, I am also from the Dominican Republic, I was very scared because I did not find someone who had the specific process. I want to apply through a program at the United States Embassy for one year Thank you very much ???
Hi! maybe you won’t read this anymore but it would be my dream to do what you did, I don’t have the money to do it and sadly in DR the mescyt is not giving scholarships for undergraduates, but I-m so happy for you and really loved listening to your story. Me senti aun mas identificada cuando dijiste que eras dominicana, de verdad que te admiro!
when she said “from my country” i thougt “well maybe its similar in the domnican republic”, and then she said that she is from the DR jayyyyyyyyy 🙂 im from there too