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    1. niceonelol

      Zoe Smith you can do the SAT whenever u want from yr10-13 . The SAT runs 6 or 7 times a yr and so I’m planning to take my exam on August 28 2021, right after my GCSEs n b4 starting yr 12

    1. su

      XIAO hi im from the uk too but how did the government subsidised your fees ;(( i really want to go to ucla but everybody says as a uk citizen it would benefit me more if im studying here for uni?

    1. XIAO

      Thank you! You are not allowed to have any alcohol/weed in dorms, but you’re also not allowed microwaves or kettles but people still have them haha, so it’s just about being a bit sneaky and hiding things in dorm inspections!

    1. mag star

      XIAO thankyou so much for youre response ! i’m hoping to do a theatre course so hopefully will find a uni in the uk with a ucla exchange , you’re advice was really helpful , stay safe x

    2. XIAO

      I came from King’s College London, I believe most London unis will give you access to UCLA, but it also depends on which degree you’re taking. So I’d recommend you research into which uni’s degrees offers UCLA exchange! Good luck with it all!

  1. ilostmymarsbarsinspace

    Hi April, how much did you have to show for your financial evidence before going to America and how much would you say your year abroad actually cost (like the living expenses there)? Also, thanks for the video, it was really helpful!

    1. XIAO

      You have to give proof of bank statement when you apply or any sponsor’s bank statements. LA is very expensive to live in, the dorms and dining halls are pretty pricy but there are different types of housing you can get that’s cheaper – coming from London I’d say its pretty similar living expenses except for the fact that there isn’t much available public transport so you have to uber everywhere. I’m sorry I don’t think I can give you an exact estimate.

  2. Gracie

    Which British university did you attend and how was you application process?? How would you say it is with finances, my family isn’t like middle class or anything but we are okay I just wanna know if I would struggle financially.. thanks for the video ! ❤️

    1. XIAO

      Gracie I went to Kings College London and the application process tends to work that you first have to apply internally to your home uni, if you have good enough grades then you can go through with it, then you apply to your exchange unis, and UCLA was particularly difficult because you had to apply through the UC system first, get accepted to UC generally then chose specific campuses. And for finances if you are from the UK then the tuition fees for an exchange year is reduced to like £1500 or so, which student loans will easily cover, and it definitely depends where you want to go specifically because LA is very expensive, but you can try to get a job over here, though your visa does limit the number of hours you’re allowed to work. Hope this helps!

    1. niceonelol

      doussou kouyate u don’t have to worry bout the SAT at ur stage, I’m planning to make my SAT exams in 1yr, which for me will be after my GCSEs. Ig at ur stage u need to just work on co curricular activities and nothing else. Find 3 gud extra curricular activities u know u can stick to until the end of yr13. For example, I’m gonna open a Coding and Programming Club in school, I do LAMDA public speaking and I’m moving onto grade 7 rn, and thirdly I been playing badminton for yrs n I’m planning to participate in tournaments. This is quite early to decide at ur age but tell me what ur planing to do at uni

    1. niceonelol

      Khalid Arak They have a post grad program. In America, you need to do an undergrad degree in something related to medicine so you can take medicine postgrad. For example, ik a guy who took a degree in biology in USA n then went on to medicine postgrad

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