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What to Pack when Travelling Abroad for Studies | International Student

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If you need any help, I have made a couple of facebook groups, if you’d like to join feel free.

MS in US – Fall 2018

MS in US Fall/spring 2019 ( for people going in spring/fall 2019)  

Prospective Student for MS (students who are thinking of doing MS in the coming years)

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Email me your questions @ vijayvergiyaparth@gmail.com

Books you will need for GRE & TOEFL
ETS Verbal
ETS mail Guide with CD's
Barron Vocab
Manhattan 5lb for Quant/maths
Kaplan Power Prep
Official Guide for TOEFL
Princeton Review

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Gear I Use

Canon DSLR -750D –
Nikon Dslr
Yi 2k action cam
phones we use to shoot
moto g2
one plus 3
iphone 6s
Samsung J7 –
big tripod
small tripod

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    1. lolrandom

      When you are a girl and your shampoo, conditioner and other personal hygiene product list isn’t as small ???
      Nice video though.
      Also, what would you suggest for contacts? Take 2 years supply from India?

    2. Sumit Sahu

      Don’t buy books from India. Consider the pdf and soft copy formats. You can easily get them online or from the professors in the US. If you really want to read from books, consider buying second-hand books from your seniors. When you’ll join a University, you will get to know a number of college groups for second-hand stuff (not just books). Don’t worry.

    1. Amrita

      Almost everything is cheaper in the Us than in India. Do not listen to any advice that asks you to bring a bunch of stuff with you. It is utterly unnecessary. Clothes are as cheap or cheaper than in India. Only one feminine item I can think of is, under garments. That is indeed more expensive here ( assuming you don’t buy fancy women’s under things in India).So you can carry a few extra pair of women’s under garments. Bottoms are cheaper than India.Pots and pans, plates, suitcases, all cheaper here than India. Shoes are way cheaper. Hopefully you know how to drive. Or are going to a place where public transport is good. That actually is the biggest problem. But I am assuming you are already here, cause you had asked this sometime in July I guess, right before Fall seem started. Hope you are doing good here.


      If you have any medical issues, get your doc to write you a prescription and carry a load of medicines. Put it all in your checked luggage. You can get ibuprofen here easily for cramps etc. But what costs Rs 10, will cost Rs 500 ( effectively) here.


    More than my visa interview am really concerned with shopping n packing stuff n really excited for this?. This video is really helping to so many people coz most of them don’t know what to carry n being Indians our mom’s would fill the compartments with loads n loads of stuff. Thanks for such glorious info Parth n lots of love?

  2. Makarand Padhye

    Thanks Parth. I am a father of a student, who will be joining Purdue in August 2019. After watching this video, I really got assured that there wont be much problem as far as food is concerned and other stuff needed. Thanks a lot.


    It would be great if you could just make a small video on how to sort and pack things like where to keep batteries, and where to keep liquids, and some useful tips for packing like how to divide things and save space or how you pack your stuff in luggage to be assured incase you loose you baggage.
    Thanks! Your video was very helpful!

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