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I've studied abroad like a million times, I even did a semester abroad in Germany in TUD (Technische Universitaet Dresden), I also learn my English while studying abroad in language schools. I had an opportunity to live in Germany, but decided to move to the USA. Why reply in video?
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Please watch: "HOW I LEARN ENGLISH BY WATCHING TV SHOWS – vocabulary, topics"
When ever i watch your video i was like i was like i was like i was like i was like was like i was like i was was like i was like couldn’t find the relevance between your video title and whatever u say
Ich wohne in Deutschland und kann voll verstehen warum du hier nicht so tolle Erfahrungen hattest!! So sind nunmal die deutschen :/
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with those German girls! I can promise you we’re not all like that though ^^
My daughter’s studying in Germany since about 3 years – and it’s just exactly the same she tells about living together with other German girls.
@Gustavo Vieira so with how many of the 83 million germans did you live?
Not all but most Germans (especially when living together) are reeeally introvert, and this is an opinion coming from a rather introvert person.
Get Germanized I watch you!
Get Germanized Hey! You’re here!!!
Loved how you learned more about yourself with each country! That’s so true! Great video! xo Sarah
hey ,if anyone else wants to learn about learn German at home try Corbandy Learn German Crusher (just google it ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my work buddy got excellent success with it.
Sarah Nourse
Do i need TOEFL un German universities
Thank you for this link, Sarah! Marina and I have such similar stories. Love your videos! You inspire me to travel more. My husband also loves your videos. We watch them together and you inspired us to move abroad from the US for 6 months once we feel we have enough savings :). I like how you said in one of your videos you’d live in Berlin for a year and then who knows where you’d be. I’m not down to 2 suitcases yet, but much better than before your channel 🙂
Your accent is soo weird it’s like a mixture of british, californian, mid western and a little bit of Russian
Her accent sounds foreign. She does not even sound British, Canadian, Australian or American; it’s weird. Its like Eastern European accent. But it’s cool, everyone is different you know 😀
your accent doesnt matter.. it’s clear for me
I like how Marina says ” bieble” …. also people
You most likely picked up the mid-western from TV and movies.
hey, i recently discover your channel, and i wanted to thank you for sharing your tips about TOELF, (i’m at a school that teaches english) and thanks to your tips i can study properly for the test, but i want to study highschool abroad, any recommendations? how can i do it full ride?
I can relate. I am at TU Dresden and it’s been the saddest moment of my life ever living here. I count days every night and it’s taking forever. Germany is just harsh, you need a heart made of steel to live here…
@Rafik Rhoma where r u from ?
I just wana know how u r going to Germany i wana go to study there too but it is realh difficult
I just wana know how youbare going and why you are going
Thank you ❤
@Ruby Rubia well, who knows, I may meet you there 1 year from now?
@Rafik Rhoma cool well I’m actually from Germany I just don’t like it
@Ruby Rubia so it is a great country and I am also going to study there next year.?
@Rafik Rhoma …so?
Shops in Germany only are closed on Sundays. On Saturdays the are open
linguamarina I have a real big respect for your work and the help you have given to others with your videos. But being really honest, I am super dissapointed on your vision of these coutries. The argument was just so materialistic. Just because you can do more shopping in the US than in Germany? After having lived there months that’s the one reason you mentioned over and over. The different mentality is tremendous among those two countries but you didn’t really explained the point. At the end of the video when you mentioned your background as a soviet nation, then it made more sense to me why you apretiate Starbucks so much. Just bear in mind Things give us a pleasure that evaporates rapidly. There is a lot more to the US than shopping, same way there is much more in Germany than what you mentioned. I am just disspointed that giving how clever and insightful you usually are, you gave such a simplistic view on super important topic.
i felt the same. it was like she wanted to explain something about the different mentality, but then took a step back, because maybe she didn’t want to be offensive. thats a pity, because i would have liked to hear her honest opinion about Germany.
@Asha’s Edits you are delusional af.. no one in western europe is jealous of the USA.. most european countries are safer than the US. most european countries have a better life work balance, most european countries take better care of their people, most european countries offer better health care, most european countries protect their workers better, most european support mothers and fathers better when it come to things like maternal or paternal leave.. i could go on and on
@Asha’s Edits lol…. are you from India? You needn’t compare these 2,none of your concern…..worry about India first….
Jaime Jiménez i Love your answer..i think the same
Now I know why we pay so much on taxes in Germany, because the whole world and their grandmothers are cheating our “free” education system, only to benefit and then jump away to the next country to spend their money they earn with OUR “free” education. There is no such thing like a “free” education. Someone has to pay for it, in your case the German tax payer.
Wow. Now you can relate to why Americans resist Al the “free stuff” pandering from out left-wing politicians. That is why USA has no free education or healthcare. In the US there are factions of society that have an entire culture built upon fraudulent access to state funded welfare programs The working class knows that those people will abuse the system as they always do as well as the government incompetence in it’s execution.
syth406 then you’re not welcome here!
Mohammed Lee American here. Getting my patrilineal Greek citizenship so that I have the option to do just that. Sorry!
I’m Chinese and i would definitely choose the states as well bc i find Americans are easier to get along with especially when u first meet them
@Sovirak Ourom Actually I’m a Chinese mainlander,and I think we are so friendly to foreigners
European sucks! But a good place to vacation.
Bella x, and yet it seems that everyone seems to hate the Americans for some odd reason. Go figure. America also gives the most amount of money in aid to the rest of the world. Yet everyone freely want to bash America. It puzzles me.
States and germany doesn’t matter quality of study matters
Ibnziyad Tariq yes but incredibly worst…
what if you are not rich ?
you cannot go to USA its more than twice more expensive
@linguamarina True, when I studied in the US, I have full scholarship which covers my tuition and living expense with no problem. My parents do not need to send me a cent for my study in the US
@linguamarina hello sister how are you. Keep up the good work
In most small towns in the US you can live on a couple of minimum wage jobs -especially if you are used to being frugal. If you are young, look into the smaller or state universities and programs for exchange. There are many. Don’t give up.
linguamarina ,even I am dreaming of studying abroad for MBA,but as I don’t sound good financially I pull myself back from dreaming of studying abroad ,can u help me anyhow or other,like yes u knw u hv uploaded so many videos and that hv motivated me a lot,but there are also few things I need to know,is there anyway to get in touch with you directly???I really need help.Hoping for the response.
I think- im sorry but how did you get a full scholarship?
I’m in similar situation ,I want to study in USA but the problem is the money, so I decided Germany but I don’t know how it goes.I absolutely think that Germans universities are way better than the Greeks .?
Sedna063 what about chemical engineering?
Lil Lil is it good for chemical engineering?
You can apply for scholarship in the US/
@InFectionSkillz Not medicine as medicine for doctors. Medical sciences, you might need to check for a masters degree but generally, they are more open.
@InFectionSkillz Medicine is just such a highly competitive field. And it would not be tolerable for German people to give foreigners who leave a free medical education when we have a shortage of medics.
You’r acent is preatty american in my opinion. You say some words in british. Just opinion of a girl from Serbia
Her accent is a mix of russian, american(forced on my opinion) and irish more so than british.
it is.
Hristina Nikolic Is Nikolic a common Serbian surname? I had a buddy from my American high school named Veljko Nikolic.
Regarding your accent, I am a native Californian and I find your accent to be very good and clear. It is clearly foreign and not native although that is not a bad thing as it makes you stand out from the crowd and interesting. To me your accent sounds Russian but you are completely intelligible. It does seem at times that you have a little bit of a British or even American accent but overwhelmingly your accent has a Russian quality. If I were you I would absolutely NOT try to lose anymore of your accent. Keep it; it will be appreciated.
John Hopkins Do you plan on attending Jonhns Hopkins University?
I personally think she speaks like one of my Russian friends…
Could you explain exactly why you didnt like germany? Im from the silicon valley also and just am curious because Ive always been interested in moving to germany. I dont think you would offend anyone for being specific because everyone has their own opinions, so could you go into more detail? By the way your accent is really good!
Valerron White do they like Africans ?
MAKO how is the acceptance rate ?
she looks like a turk, and germans don’t like turks. I saw that, they prefer not to speak to them. Also they aware of that childish behavior that she has. It’s like being silly.
She’s just an idiot, she likes shopping, she got a free education in Germany and probably free accommodation etc and free healthcare while she was there and she didn’t even say thank you , she’s just a spoilt brat –Germany is like every country when you first move , I have lived in America and Germany they are similar , people are the same everywhere .
So, I don’t think what she said is true. Of course it’s gonna be harder at first to make friends, but as soon as you first broke that barrier, which is actually not to hard, making lost of friends is easy. As soon as you have one, others will follow. We’re not like these small groups of people sorted by race (which can often be seen in American colleges) but we form one unity in our friendgroup. My best friend is American and she moved here like 2 years ago and at first we were a bit weary, but like 2 months in and she was already our friend. Now, two years later, nobody really even sees her as foreign anymore. We have ugly and beautiful cities and although some people tend to disagree, I’d advise you to stay away from Berlin unless you’re a fan of crowded places and dirty streets. If you want to study here, LMU munich is great. The university offers courses in English and German, the campus looks great and the city is neat as well. Everyone has different experiences here but it also heavily depends on your willingness to make friends and your expectations.
Me watching the video sitting in my German apartment on a Saturday evening without any friends and about to clean my apartment 😀 Cant wait to go back to California in January for college. I honestly can understand why you chose USA over Germany. I am German myself, and I agree, girls can be sometimes a bit strange here, it is not common to be super hyper about expressing yourself freely. Sometimes I get judged for smiling and being happy in public. People are sometimes so stuck up. What I love about the US is that people are usually very self-reflective about their country and personality. I love these cute little spiritual book shops in California. Also, my college is very open-minded regarding mental health problems like anxiety or depression. In Germany it seems like everyone is hiding behind their problems. You go girl <3 I see you definitely more thriving in the US. Love from Germany.
I am Brazilian and I lived near by Köln.
Köln and Maastricht are two of my favorite cities in Europe. But as far as talked to people, Köln is quite different from the rest of Germany(to be fair the entire NRW).
But shops are “only” closed on sundays in Germany. But I wouldn’t mind either if they’d be open here on sundays, too.
And eastern Germany, were Dresden is located, was an Soviet Union aligned country. Maybe a west German city might have fitted you better. You can still feel quiet some differences in mentality of Easterners and Westerners :-).
I want them closed. Why should people work Sundays if there is refrigeration technology to keep food and so stable.
Hmmm….unordentliche Mädels in Dresden? Ein guter Grund, nicht nach Dresden zu fahren 😉
dresden trozdem sauberer als der westen 😉
I wouldn’t have noticed, in America, there are enough foreign people and crossing cultures that slight accents are pretty normal. Your accent in on spot 🙂
Brenden Fullmer she has a heavy accent lol
You are a wonderfully fluent english speaker with a lovely accent!