Why is USA a great study abroad destination for Indian Students
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In this video, we are discussing Why is USA great study abroad destination for Indian Students and we also discussed about an amazing website which helps you find a good program, college or university. With the help of SchoolApply, you can get details about the tuition fees of colleges and universities, their rankings compared to other institutions and you can shortlist your preferred university to apply later.
SchoolApply can also help you get student loans approved to finance your study abroad dream. If you have questions like which program is good for you? Which university is better? What are the tuition fees of different colleges? SchoolApply can help you clear all your doubts.
Music by Kevin MacLeod. Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Download link:
Pakistaniyo?? kya haal hai?????????????????kaha kahase dhuaa nikal raha hai?????….JAI HIND??????????
Sir I love USA and me meet u in USA .. I love u sir…
Medium long shot
$15,387 annual fee or semester ? Scholarship 40% hai ??
Hi Amit
What is chances of getting job there after M.tech from India ..??
Pls answer
megha asekar Hello Megha, it’s more about you rather than Mtech degree some people got Job here just doing BE but they know their stuff and before coming to USA. They worked remotely for these USA companies.
Sir videos regularly upload kiya kro plz i miss your regular videos a lot…
KRITIK SHARMA Bhai coming Monday se regular video upload krna start krunga
thanks for this video ?
Sir me from USA. Where are u live in USA
Harsh shah Tennessee
Sir itna late video kyu banate ho
I ‘ am new to your channel
Your welcome
Ankur Kumar Thank you for joining
gud video
Nice video ❤❤. Please make video on ” how to convince parents for studying abroad Especially in The USA”. And discuss issues regarding safety of Indian in US
Thanks for Making this Subject vidio.
Bhaiya jii so nice ??????????????????????????
Wah bhaiya start ko gaya apka video
OK sir thanks for say
USA या UK मे पढना ही चाहिए..
1) दूसरे देश की जानकारी मिलती है,
2) पता चलता है कि वहा बिज़नस केसे होता है,
3) पता चलता है कि वहा नोकरी केसे मिलती है और नोकरी का अलग अनुभव मिलता है,
4) पढ़ते पढ़ते काम कर शकते हैं,
5) यहा पे भी पढ़ाई माहेंगी ही हे,
6) यहा पे डोनेशन बहोत देना पड़ता है,
7) यहा बच्चे पढ़ते भी नहीं है,
8) यहा टीचर को भी पढ़ाना नहीं है,
9) हमारी बहोत सी एजुकेशन out dated हे,
10) कम percentage वालो को अच्छी collage में admition नहीं मिलता,
11) कभी कभी अपने सहर मे कॉलेज नहीं मिलती आपको पुणे या बंगलुरु जाना पड़ता है..
12) India મેં 10 + 05 + 03 करो तभी पढ़ाई पूरी होती है लेकिन वहा 3-4 साल में आपको डिग्री मिल शक्ति हे,
13) वहा कि डिग्री पे आप वहा ओर इंडिया मे काम कर शकते हैं लेकिन यहा कि डिग्री कभी कभी यहा भी नहीं चलती.
14) आपको एक मोका मिलता है वहा का नागरिक होने का..
कुछ गलत लिखा हो तो सही करिए ओर कुछ भुला हू तो आप सभी लिख डीजीए