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Why you should study in the USA now || F-1 Visa, OPT, H-1B

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This is the best time to apply to the USA for your education abroad. Surprised? Learn more about why I claim so.

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#H1B #F1 #StudyinUSA

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    1. Axel Adrian

      Tears of joy grips my heart knowing how hard I’ve struggled to become debt free, I never wanted to do this but l’ll be guilty if I don’t share this good news with you guys, Mr Nicholas Myron is the best trader ever and will ever be, thanks for helping me and my family, with the profit of $44,750. we are forever grateful. You can connect with him on Instagram @nicholas__fxtrade

  1. Pradip sah

    I am doing my master’s in the USA right now. if you are thinking to just study the USA is always a great option but if you want to come to the USA in search of any job opportunity. then I would say it is the worst decision in the current scenario. USCIS is planning to end the OPT extension as well as they have also proposed a bill for visa reform. If it gets accepted then I believe most likely we will get a 2-year visa. And we have to extend every 2 years. Also, because of the change in H1b policy, many companies are not hiring foreign employers for the short term as they are reluctant to sponsor. Well the choice is always yours.

    1. Axel Adrian

      Tears of joy grips my heart knowing how hard I’ve struggled to become debt free, I never wanted to do this but l’ll be guilty if I don’t share this good news with you guys, Mr Nicholas Myron is the best trader ever and will ever be, thanks for helping me and my family, with the profit of $44,750. we are forever grateful. You can connect with him on Instagram @nicholas__fxtrade

  2. Sanjith Keshavmurthy

    Bro US is no longer an option i suggest people to look at UK they are opening up more to compensate for brexit and the universities there aren’t much different in quality

    1. Axel Adrian

      Tears of joy grips my heart knowing how hard I’ve struggled to become debt free, I never wanted to do this but l’ll be guilty if I don’t share this good news with you guys, Mr Nicholas Myron is the best trader ever and will ever be, thanks for helping me and my family, with the profit of $44,750. we are forever grateful. You can connect with him on Instagram @nicholas__fxtrade

  3. Muneeb Arif

    Hello dear how are you I watch your videos and its amazing knowledgeable. I got admission in Ms Finance at Claremont graduate university CGU Drucker school of Management and also got 6,000$ fellowship but the main issue that the classes for jan 2021 will be online and I want to study face to face or hybrid classes can you help me what to do I am double minded please guide can you share me your email address

    1. Axel Adrian

      Tears of joy grips my heart knowing how hard I’ve struggled to become debt free, I never wanted to do this but l’ll be guilty if I don’t share this good news with you guys, Mr Nicholas Myron is the best trader ever and will ever be, thanks for helping me and my family, with the profit of $44,750. we are forever grateful. You can connect with him on Instagram @nicholas__fxtrade

  4. Sanjana Pimoli

    Hey. I’m gonna complete my three year bachelors degree in economics hons. I want to know if universities in USA would consider it as an equivalent to their required four year degree criteria, specifically university of Michigan.

    1. Axel Adrian

      Tears of joy grips my heart knowing how hard I’ve struggled to become debt free, I never wanted to do this but l’ll be guilty if I don’t share this good news with you guys, Mr Nicholas Myron is the best trader ever and will ever be, thanks for helping me and my family, with the profit of $44,750. we are forever grateful. You can connect with him on Instagram @nicholas__fxtrade

    1. Axel Adrian

      Tears of joy grips my heart knowing how hard I’ve struggled to become debt free, I never wanted to do this but l’ll be guilty if I don’t share this good news with you guys, Mr Nicholas Myron is the best trader ever and will ever be, thanks for helping me and my family, with the profit of $44,750. we are forever grateful. You can connect with him on Instagram @nicholas__fxtrade

    1. Axel Adrian

      Tears of joy grips my heart knowing how hard I’ve struggled to become debt free, I never wanted to do this but l’ll be guilty if I don’t share this good news with you guys, Mr Nicholas Myron is the best trader ever and will ever be, thanks for helping me and my family, with the profit of $44,750. we are forever grateful. You can connect with him on Instagram @nicholas__fxtrade

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